This project aims to provide a simple way to read scientific files produced by any kind of probe, sensor, or anything used in hydrogeology.
You can directly install this package with the command:
pip install HydroSensorReader
After the installation, you can use the package by using
import hydsensread as hsr
# File based reader
file_path = 'my_file_path'
# Files Generating Timeseries results
# =====================================
# read CR1000 files
r = hsr.DATCampbellCRFileReader(file_path)
# read Hanna multiparameter probes
# - (model HI-9828 and HI-9829 tested)
# - Supported extension : '.xls', '.xlsx'
r = hsr.XLSHannaFileReader(file_path)
# Read Solinst Levelogger and Barologger files
# - Supported extension : '.lev', '.xle', '.csv'
r = hsr.SolinstFileReader(file_path)
# Plot the results with
# Files Generating Generic results
# =====================================
# read Maxxam laboratory analysis files.
# - Supported extension : '.xls', '.xlsx'
r = hsr.XSLMaxxamFileReader(file_path)
# Web data scrappers
# These data scrappers use the station name.
station = 'StationName'
r = hsr.GNBWaterQualityStation(station)
Implementation of different file readers. Each python file contains a main launcher to the class.
This package contains the classes in charge of reading the different files. More information about these packages is available in the code.
This package contains classes defining the domain elements and the data describing them
This folder contains several examples of files for testing.
reader to take care of borehole geophysics files.LAS
reader to take care of LiDar datafile_reader