cgrandin / csas-latex

Latex style file and template for CSAS Research Documents
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Updated July 7, 2017

Latex/knitr document building for CSAS Research Documents. The Arrowtooth Flounder assessment is used as an example. To get the model output directories needed to make it work (they are too large to add to the repository), please contact me.

You will also need to fork and clone the repository at:

It contains the style file which is used for these assessments. Make sure that csas-style and csas-latex directories are in the same subdirectory and the code will work as-is. If you want to put it somewhere else, you'll need to change the following line in the res-doc.rnw file to reflect the location:



How to create the RData files required for the document to build

How to create resDoc.pdf

How to debug functions used in the knitr chunks in the .rnw files

Installation of R packages

How the R environment is set up

The following depicts the object structure of each model's .RData file:

model                 # A list created by the build() function
model$path            # The relative (to doc/r) path where this model is located
model$dat.file        # The relative (to doc/r) path with data file name for this model
model$ctl.file        # The relative (to doc/r) path with control file name for this model
model$proj.file       # The relative (to doc/r) path with projection file name for this model
model$dat             # data file contents (see r-functions/load-models.r)
model$ctl             # control file contents (see r-functions/load-models.r)
model$proj            # projection file contents (see r-functions/load-models.r)
model$par             # par file contents (see r-functions/load-models.r)
model$mpd             # MPD output (see r-functions/load-models.r)
model$mcmc            # MCMC output from the model (see r-functions/load-models.r)
model$mcmcpath        # The relative (to doc/r) path where the MCMC model is located
model$mcmccalcs       # MCMC output (burned in) and credibility intervals for all parameters
  p.dat               # leading parameter estimates (burned in and thinned)
  p.quants            # leading parameter estimates (median and CI's)
  p.dat.log           # log of leading parameter estimates (burned in and thinned)
  p.quants            # log of leading parameter estimates (median and CI's)
  r.dat               # calculated parameters (burned in and thinned)
  r.quants            # selected calculated parameters (median and CI's, as latex table)
  sbt.dat             # spawning biomass (burned in and thinned)
  sbt.quants          # spawning biomass (median and CI's, incl. MPD)
  depl.dat            # relative spawning biomass (burned in and thinned)
  depl.quants         # relative spawning biomass (median and CI's, incl. MPD)
  recr.dat            # recruitment (burned in and thinned)
  recr.quants         # recruitment (median and CI's)
  recr.devs.dat       # recruitment deviations (burned in and thinned)
  recr.devs.quants    # recruitment deviations (median and CI's)
  q.dat               # catchability (burned in and thinned)
  q.quants            # catchability (median and CI's)
  vuln.dat            # vulnerable biomass (burned in and thinned, list of gears)
  vuln.quants         # vulnerable biomass (median and CI's, list of gears, incl. MPD)
  f.mort.dat          # fishing mortality (burned in and thinned, list of gears, incl. MPD)
  f.mort.quants       # fishing mortality (median and CI's, list of gears, incl. MPD)
  u.mort.dat          # annual fishing mortality (burned in and thinned, list of gears, incl. MPD)
  u.mort.quants       # annual fishing mortality (median and CI's, list of gears, incl. MPD)
  proj.dat            # reference points projection table (latex style)

These are some of the other variables in the global workspace. These can be directly referenced using \Sexpr{} in inline latex code, or in a knitr code chunk. This list is just a sample, there are many more in the custom-knitr-variables.r file, which is where any new ones should be placed.

b                       # The base model object.
b.mcc                   # An alias for b$mcmccalcs
b.p.quants              # An alias for b$mcmccalcs$p.quants
b.r.quants              # An alias for b$mcmccalcs$r.quants               # Name of the species in the assessment            # Scientific name of the species             # Scientific family name             # Colloquial name for the species
bo                      # Inital biomass (vector of 3 - median and ci's)
bmsy                    # Bmsy (vector of 3 - median and ci's)
fmsy                    # Fmsy (vector of 3 - median and ci's)
sbt                     # Spawning biomass - alias for b$mcmccalcs$sbt.quants               # Spawning biomass for the final year (vector of 4 - median, ci's, MPD)            # Last year of estimated biomass
sbt.first.yr            # First year of estimated biomass

h.prior                 # Setup as seen in the control file for steepness
h.prior.alpha           # Alpha parameter for steepness
h.prior.beta            # Beta parameter for steepness
h.prior.mean            # Calculated mean for steepness prior              # Calculated CV for steepness prior

q                       # Initial value of survey q

trawl.yrs               # Range of years for which there are age comp data for trawl fishery

catch.yrs               # Range of years of catch

rho                     # Initial value of the rho parameter
vartheta                # Initial value of the vartheta parameter
tau                     # Calculated value for tau
sigma                   # Calculated value for sigma

f                       # The function used to format numbers - this is used around all numbers in the doc