cgrima / docker_i-librarian

Dockerfile and instructions for I, Librarian
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This is a Dockerfile for I, Librarian. Please, Look at the following instructions.


If you do not already have an I, Librarian database, you must create a blank library folder ${DATA_PATH} to initiate the library on the host before to run the container, and set up its ownership correctly.

mkdir ${DATA_PATH}
sudo chown 33:33 ${DATA_PATH}

Run the container

On the command line

sudo docker run -d -p 8080:80 \
            -v ${DATA_PATH}:/app/data \
            -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
            --name=i-librarian \


Create your docker-compose.yml file such as

version: "2"


    image: cgrima/i-librarian
    privileged: true
      - "8080:80"
      - ${DATA_PATH}:/app/data
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro

Then, start docker-compose

docker-compose up -d

Access your I-librarian instance

Open http://localhost:8080 on your web browser and follow instructions.

Migration from I, Librarian 4.10 to 5.*

Note: The 4.10 database folder was called library. It is called data in 5.*.

  1. Stop your 4.10 I, Librarian container, i.e. docker-compose stop i-librarian
  2. Backup your 4.10 library/ folder.
  3. Remove your 4.10 I, Librarian container, i.e. docker-compose rm i-librarian.
  4. Rebuild the I, Librarian image from latest source, i.e. docker-copomse up -d.
  5. Build and Launch your new 5.* I, Librarian container following one of the statements above but add you former 4.10 database folder as volume, i.e. -v ${LIBRARY_PATH}:/app/library.
  6. Connect to http://localhost:8080 and follow the migration instructions (the library folder to migrate is /app/library).


Simply stop, remove, and launch your container again. With docker-compose:

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d


If you have rights/permissions issues with the library folder try to add the --privileged=true option to the docker run command.