cgrindel / rules_swift_package_manager

Collection of utilities and Bazel rules to aid in the development and maintenance of Swift repositories using Bazel.
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to link binary from spm #1089

Open mostafa-v opened 1 month ago

mostafa-v commented 1 month ago

Hi I want to integrate a package into my project. here are the steps:

Swift Package Manager

1. Add package to your project


3. Ensure that your target is linked binary with YandexMobileAdsPackge (Your target -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries)

4. Add MobileAdsBundle.bundle from YandexMobileAds (Package Dependencies -> YandexMobileAdsPackage -> Referenced Binaries -> YandexMobileAds) to Copy Bundle Resource phase (Your target -> Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resource)

5. Build and run.

I have successfully did step 1 and 2. But I don't have any clue how to do step 3 and 4. and without doing them, I got lots of link errors in my build (which probably because I didn't do step 3).

I have successfully integrated other packages into my project, but all of them needed steps like step 1 and 2 and no steps like step 3 and 4.

cgrindel commented 1 month ago

For step 3, I believe that they are just saying that you need to reference the package in your project. The equivalent in Bazel is to reference the Bazel target for a product in the package in one of your swift_xxx targets.

For step 4, I believe that this is about how the resource bundle is packaged in the output. What are you building? iOS app?

@brentleyjones @luispadron Do you have any suggestions for @mostafa-v ?

luispadron commented 1 month ago

I agree that 3 - 4 just mean using those targets in the product you're building, more info on what kind of product would help.

mostafa-v commented 1 month ago

the whole project is ios app, but I add this package in a swift_library deps.

cgrindel commented 1 month ago

If you could provide a repro or at least more information about the errors, that could help use provide some advice.