cgross / angular-busy

Show busy/loading indicators on any element during $http requests (or any promise).
MIT License
1.44k stars 257 forks source link

It would be great to have less dev files bundled within npm package. #101

Open Den-dp opened 8 years ago

Den-dp commented 8 years ago

For now angular-busy package has to much of them.

├── Gruntfile.js                                              
├── LICENSE                                                   
├── angular-busy.css                                          
├── angular-busy.html                                         
├── angular-busy.js                                           
├── bower.json                                                
├── bower_components                                          
│   ├── angular                                               
│   ├── angular-animate                                       
│   ├── angular-mocks                                         
│   └── jquery                                                
├── demo                                                      
│   ├── custom-template.html                                  
│   ├── demo.js                                               
│   ├── finalfantasy.gif                                      
│   ├── gh-fork-ribbon.css                                    
│   └── index.html                                            
├── dist                                                      
│   ├── angular-busy.css                                      
│   ├── angular-busy.js                                       
│   ├── angular-busy.min.css                                  
│   └── angular-busy.min.js                                   
├── package.json                                              
└── test                                                      
    └── spec.js                                               

Can help with that if you are interested in