cgross / angular-busy

Show busy/loading indicators on any element during $http requests (or any promise).
MIT License
1.44k stars 257 forks source link

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Show busy/loading indicators on any $http or $resource request, or on any promise.


Live Demo

Getting Started

Install with Bower, npm, yarn, or download the files directly from the dist folder in the repo.

bower install angular-busy --save
npm install @cgross/angular-busy

Add dist/angular-busy.js and dist/angular-busy.css to your index.html.

Add cgBusy as a module dependency for your module.

angular.module('your_app', ['cgBusy']);

Add your promise to $scope and reference that in the cg-busy directive:

function MyCtrl($scope,$http,User) {

  //using $http
  $scope.myPromise = $http.get('...');

  //if you have a User class based on $resource
  $scope.myPromise = User.$save();

<!-- Use the simple syntax -->
<div cg-busy="myPromise"></div>

<!-- Use the advanced syntax -->
<div cg-busy="{promise:myPromise,message:'Loading Your Data',templateUrl:'mycustomtemplate.html'}"></div>


The cg-busy directive expects either a promise or a configuration object.

In other words. You may do this:

<div cg-busy="myPromise"></div>

or this:

<div cg-busy="{promise:myPromise,message:'Loading',backdrop:false,templateUrl:'myAwesomeTemplate.html',delay:300,minDuration:700}"></div>

Providing Custom Templates

The angular-busy indicator is a regular Angular template. The templates have access to the scope where cg-busy was declared so you may reference your local scope variables in your custom templates. Additionally, the scope is augmented with a $message field containing the indicator message text.

Overriding Defaults

The defaut values for message, backdrop, templateUrl, delay, and minDuration may all be overriden by overriding the $injector value for cgBusyDefaults, like so:

  message:'Loading Stuff',
  backdrop: false,
  templateUrl: 'my_custom_template.html',
  delay: 300,
  minDuration: 700,
  wrapperClass: 'my-class my-class2'

Only the values you'd like overriden need to be specified.

Release History