cguardia / questions

Questions is a form library for Python that uses the power of SurveyJS for the UI.
MIT License
31 stars 8 forks source link
form-generator forms python python3 web-development

========= Questions

.. image:: :target:

.. image:: :target:

.. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status

Questions is a Python form library that uses the power of SurveyJS_ for the UI. The philosophy behind Questions is that modern form rendering usually requires integrating some complex Javascript widgets anyway, so why not skip the markup generation completely?

.. image::

In Questions, forms are defined in Python similarly to other form frameworks, but everything on the front end is handled by SurveyJS. This provides a lot of benefits:

.. _SurveyJS: .. _Bootstrap: .. _select2: .. _ckeditor:

How the Code Looks

To get a feel for how Questions works, nothing better than looking at a simple example::

from questions import Form
from questions import TextQuestion
from questions import RadioGroupQuestion

class SimpleForm(Form):
    name = TextQuestion()
    email = TextQuestion(input_type="email", required="True")
    favorite_number = TextQuestion(title="What is your favorite number?",
    language = RadioGroupQuestion(title="Favorite Language",
        choices=["Python", "Other"])
    version = RadioGroupQuestion(title="Preferred Python Version",
        choices=["Python 2", "Python 3"],
        visible_if="{language} = 'Python'")

This is a fairly conventional way to define forms, so no surprises here, but look at the way the input_type parameter allows us to use different HTML5 text input methods. Pay special attention to the last line, where we use the visible_if parameter to only show the Python version question if the answer to the language question is "Python". Defining "live" form behavior in this way is something that is usually out of scope for server side code, but Questions' SurveyJS integration allows us to do it.

Full Working Multi-page Flask Application

Let's show how easy things can be if your applications needs are simple. The following is a complete application using the popular Flask_ web framework::

from flask import Flask
from flask import redirect
from flask import request

from questions import Form
from questions import FormPage
from questions import TextQuestion
from questions import DropdownQuestion

class PageOne(Form):
    name = TextQuestion()
    email = TextQuestion(input_type="email", required="True")

class PageTwo(Form):
    country = DropdownQuestion(choices_by_url={"value_name": "name",
        "url": ""})
    birthdate = TextQuestion(input_type="date")

class Profile(Form):
    page_one = FormPage(PageOne, title="Identification Information")
    page_two = FormPage(PageTwo, title="Additional Information")

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route("/", methods=("GET",))
def form():
    form = Profile()
    return form.render_html()

@app.route("/", methods=("POST",))
def post():
    form_data = request.get_json()
    # Here, we would save to a database or something
    return redirect("/thanks")

def thanks():
    return "Thanks for your information"

if __name__ == "__main__":

By default, Questions uses a CDN for fetching the Javascript resources, which is why all that is needed to run the above code is installing Flask and Questions. Of course, it is possible to install all the dependencies yourself and configure Questions to use your installation, but sometimes this is all that's required to get a full working application.

Admittedly, our application doesn't do much, but we get a working form that you can fill and submit in your browser. See how easy it is to get a multi-page form with navigation buttons. Also, notice how get_json is the only Flask request call we need to get the form data.

As the code shows, defining a multiple page form is very simple, and allows us to keep the form pages logically separated, and even using them independently or in combination with other forms with little additional work.

Finally, take a look at the choices_by_url parameter in the DropdownQuestion, which allows us to get the dropdown choices from separate, restful web services.

.. _Flask:

License and Documentation


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.

.. Cookiecutter: .. audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage: