ch3njust1n / smpl

Simultaneous Multi-Party Learning Framework
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artificial-intelligence artificial-neural-networks asynchronous-sgd deep-learning deep-neural-networks distributed-deep-learning distributed-systems evolutionary-algorithm gradient-descent hgsgd hypergraph hypergraph-sgd metaheuristic sgd

Simultaneous Multi-Party Learning

SMPL [sim-puh l]

Hyper-parallel distributed training for deep neural networks

System Configuration

OpenStack Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Bash Scripts

You need to update the following bash scripts with the IPs of your nodes and your private key

Single Node Requirements Setup

Redis Setup
cd smpl/redis_setup

The setup script should do this, but make executable on all peers
chmod +x

Check that `which python` matches the first line of ``

cd bash/init

Run `bash` from one of the nodes

Redis Server

If getting Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused enter the following on the appropriate node

redis-server --daemonize yes

Cluster Startup

cd smpl #*** MUST CD into directory. Cannot do bash smpl/ Unsure why this happens


Simultaneous Multi-Party Learning Training

optional arguments:
--host                  Host address (default:
--port                  Port number for GradientServer (default: 9888)
--async_global          Set for globally asynchronous training (default: True)
--async_mid             Set for asynchronous training within hyperedges (default: True)
--async_local           Set for asynchronous training on each peer (default: True)
--batch_size            Data batch size (default: 16)
--cuda                  Enables CUDA training (default: False)
--data -d               Data directory (default: mnist)
--dev -v                Development mode will fix random seed and keep session objects for analysis (default: True) 
--drop_last             True if last batch should be dropped if the dataset is not divisible by the batch size (default: False)
--ds_host               Data server host address
--ds_port               Data server port (default: 9888)
--epsilon -x            Chance of selecting a random set model during parameter synchronization. (default: 1.0)
--eth                   Peers ethernet interface (default: ens3)
--flush -f              Clear all parameters from previous sessions (default: True)
--hyperepochs -e        Total number of hyperepochs across all cliques for this peer (default: 1)
--local_parallel -l     Hogwild!, Divergent Exploration, or SGD (default: Hogwild!)
--learning_rate -lr     Learning rate (default: 1e-3)
--log_freq              Frequency for logging training (default: 100)                   
--name -n               Name of experiment (default: MNIST)
--party -p              Name of party configuration file. (default: party.json)
--regular -v            Maximum number of simultaneous hyperedges at any given time (default: 1)
--save -s               Directory to save trained model parameters to
--seed                  Random seed for dev only!
--smpc                  Use secure multiparty computation
--shuffle               True if data should be shuffled (default: True)
--sparsity              Parameter sharing sparsification level (default: 0.0)
--uniform -u            Hyperedge size (default: 2)
--variety               Minimum number of new members required in order to enter into a new hyperedge. 
                        Prevents perfectly overlapping with current sessions. (default: 1)

Diagnose Runs with

Pull logs and display training summary
python --check -pl

If receiving issue about redis not importing even though it's installed, try deactivating and reactivating environment

Get all redis objects
python --keys

Examine a specific training session
python -s sess289609693563518796840060 -m -p parameters usage

optional arguements:
--host                  Redis IP address (default: localhost)
--port                  Redis port number (default: 6379)
--case -c               Set for case sensitive matching when using the --grep option
--check -ch             Check that all hyperedges completed training
--clear                 Clear all logs
--database db           Name of Redis database
--edges -e              Display edge count
--grep - g              Grep all files for given term
--ignore -i             Ignores a particular key/value in the session object
--keys -k               Get all Redis keys
--log_dir -l            Log directory       
--minimal -m            Ignore parameters and gradients
--sess -s               Session objection id
--size -z               Get size of cache object
--property -p           Session object property
--properties -ps        Get all properties of object
--pull -pl              Pull logs from all peers
--variable -v           Retrieve state variable. If using this, do not set --sess