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Can't build on Windows #44

Open StrangeWill opened 8 years ago

StrangeWill commented 8 years ago

All setup scripts are expecting we're on *nix

t-richards commented 8 years ago

@StrangeWill: Which setup script(s) are you having trouble with, and what error messages are occurring? Things like bin/setup appear to be pretty vanilla as far as I can tell:

Hmm... Most stubs in the bin/ directory have #!/usr/bin/env ruby at the top -- unless Windows can interpret this, it means you're pretty much on your own as far as setup scripts go. Try reading through bin/setup and substitute your platform-specific commands where appropriate. Regular ruby/gem/bundler commands should work properly so long as your Ruby install is sane. As for the others, you could consider trying...

*nix                  win
$ bin/rake            > bundle exec rake
$ rm -rf              > rmdir /s /q
StrangeWill commented 8 years ago

unless Windows can interpret this, it means you're pretty much on your own as far as setup scripts go.

Bingo, I had to add support for Windows to chadev's main site too, I don't think it'll be a problem to be honest. I'm just noting this in case anyone else tries to do this.

Currently I just skipped all the scripts in bin/ and did my stuff manually, but I really should come back and see if I can't add multi-platform support.