chadev / chatech-jobs

A job board for Chattanooga's Developers and Tech peoples.
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Chatech Jobs

Build Status Code Climate Coverage Status Dependency Status

Generated with Raygun.


Getting Started


To run the specs or fire up the server, be sure you have these installed (and running):

First Time Setup

After cloning,

# set up your environment; edit .env where appropriate
$ cp .env.example .env

# install missing gems and prepare the database
$ bin/setup

Note, rake db:sample_data loads a small set of data for development. Check out db/sample_data.rb for details.

Running the Specs

To run all Ruby and Javascript specs.

$ ./bin/rake

Note: ./bin/rake runs the springified version of rake (there's a ./bin/rspec and ./bin/rails too). You can add ./bin to your PATH too, then you'll always use the springified bins when they exist. See rails/spring for additional information.

Running the Application Locally

$ foreman start
$ open http://localhost:3000



Code Style

Generally speaking, follow the Ruby Style Guide. Additionally, these are other guidelines adopted by the team:

Always use double quotes for test/spec descriptions, unless the subject is a class/module.

describe SomeController do
  context "when logged in as an admin" do
    describe "#some_method" do
      it "does some thing"

Additional/Optional Development Details

Code Coverage (local)

Coverage for the ruby specs:

$ COVERAGE=true rspec

Code coverage is reported to Code Climate on every CI build so there's a record of trending.

Using Guard

Guard is configured to run ruby and jasmine specs, and also listen for livereload connections.

$ bundle exec guard

Using Mailcatcher

$ gem install mailcatcher
$ mailcatcher
$ open http://localhost:1080/

Learn more at And please don't add mailcatcher to the Gemfile.

Continuous Integration and Deployment with Travis CI

This project is configured for continuous integration and deployment with Travis CI and Heroku.

Check out .travis.yml and bin/ for details.

Server Environments


Acceptance and Production are hosted on Heroku under the account.

Environment Variables

Several common features and operational parameters can be set using environment variables.



Third Party Services