chadwick-yao / KUKA-Controller

This repository implements a way to control any robot in CoppeliaSim using a SpaceMouse. (Inverse Kinematics)
MIT License
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coppeliasim robotics spacemouse


Coppeliasim-Python provides users an easy tool to manipulate robots in CoppeliaSim with SpaceMouse (3D Mouse).




udev rules: In order for hidapi to open the device without sudo, we need to do the following steps. First of all, create a rule file xx-spacemouse.rules under the folder /etc/udev/rules.d/ (Replace xx with a number larger than 50).

sudo touch /etc/udev/rules.d/77-spacemouse.rules

echo "KERNEL==\"hidraw*\", ATTRS{idVendor}==\"256f\", ATTRS{idProduct}==\"c62e\", MODE=\"0666\", GROUP=\"plugdev\"" > /etc/udev/rules.d/77-spacemouse.rules

echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ATTRS{idVendor}==\"256f\", ATTRS{idProduct}==\"c62e\", MODE=\"0666\", GROUP=\"plugdev\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/77-spacemouse.rules

Then we need to reload the defined udev rule to take effect. Reload can be done through:

$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

Get vendor_id and product_id of your Spacemouse.

import hid

The python code above will print all HID information, just locate the information about SpaceMouse.

Test Connection

$ python common/


SpaceMouse to Manipulate Robots in SimEnv

$ python test/

Real Environment Details

Threading Settings

Data Collection

In, c refers to starting recording a new episode, s refers to ending one episode, and q means quitting the process. There uses data from spacemouse as delta pose and regards the transformed pose as the next step action, then the next step action will call execute_actions in to control child threading.

Function get_obs from will also recall its child threading function to get observations, and finally save them in Dict. After ending one episode, the Dict will be saved in the shared memory.

In order to run the data collection code, execute the example command below:

python -o "data/test_data" --robot_ip "" --robot_port 30001

The saved data form is like below:

  • data
    • action
    • timestamps
    • stage
    • eef_rot
    • eef_pos
    • joints_pos
  • meta
    • episode_ends
  • videos

How to obtain target_pose/action?

# current EEF pose (without any transformation)

# spacemouse states
sm_state = sm.get_motion_state_transformed()
## scale spacemouse states
dpos = (
    sm_state[:3] * (env.max_pos_speed / frequency) * pos_sensitivity
drot_xyz = (
    * (env.max_rot_speed / frequency)
    * np.array([1, 1, -1])
    * rot_sensitivity
## spacemouse euler -> quat
drot = st.Rotation.from_euler("xyz", drot_xyz)

# target EEF pos = current EEF pos + dpos
target_pose[:3] += dpos
# target EEF rot = drot * current EEF rot quat
target_pose[3:] = (
    drot * st.Rotation.from_euler("zyx", target_pose[3:])

The final target_pose is our next step action, and then we send this command to instruct remoter to move, and final reply an actual EEF pose to client. Below is a example of target pose and difference between actual EEF pose and target pose.

[614.42  -2.24 318.24   3.14  -0.     3.14]  |  [-0.03  0.24  0.55 -0.   -0.    0.  ]
[614.42  -1.88 319.11   3.14  -0.     3.14]  |  [-0.05  0.26  0.56 -0.   -0.    0.  ]
[614.42  -1.5  319.98   3.14  -0.     3.14]  |  [-0.03  0.26  0.68  0.    0.    0.  ]
[614.42  -1.12 320.8    3.14  -0.     3.14]  |  [ 0.01  0.26  0.67 -0.    0.    0.  ]
[614.42  -0.74 321.56   3.14  -0.     3.14]  |  [ 0.02  0.27  0.51 -0.    0.    0.  ]
[614.42  -0.38 322.31   3.14  -0.     3.14]  |  [ 0.02  0.27  0.46  0.   -0.    0.  ]
[614.42  -0.05 322.92   3.14  -0.     3.14]  |  [ 0.02  0.2   0.42 -0.    0.    0.  ]
[614.42   0.19 323.39   3.14  -0.     3.14]  |  [-0.04  0.17  0.32 -0.   -0.    0.  ]
[614.42   0.34 323.67   3.14  -0.     3.14]  |  [-0.06  0.18  0.25 -0.   -0.    0.  ]

Model Training

Add some supplement files in diffusion_policy. (Before doing this, make sure you've already read of diffusion_policy. )

[KUKA-Controller] $ cp codebase/sup_files/dataset/ codebase/diffusion_policy/diffusion_policy/dataset
[KUKA-Controller] $ cp codebase/sup_files/config/task/real_pusht_image.yaml codebase/diffusion_policy/diffusion_policy/dataset/config/task

The modify the config files including specific task name and dataset path. For example, if you decide to train your model with train_diffusion_transformer_real_hybrid_workspace.yaml, first you need to replace task: real_pusht_image with task: real_pusht_image, then replace dataset_path with your desired path in real_pusht_image.yaml.

Just use Diffusion Policy to train that model with our collected data.

[KUKA-Controller/codebase/diffusion_policy] $ python --config-dir=. --config-name=<ws_cfg_file>

Evaluate Real Robot

The inference loop can be demomstrated below:

# load chechpoint
# checkpoint to policy
# Policy control loop
## get observations
## run inference
## convert policy action to env actions 
## clip action
## execute actions
python --input_path <ckpt_path> --output_path <opt_dir>

Synchronize the Speend of Remoter and Client

Assume that we have below in remoter:

$f_c$: communication frequency

$pVel_{max}$: real robot position velocity (mm/s)

$rVel_{max}$: real robot rotation velocity (rad/s)

Assume that we have below in client,

$opt_{sm}$: SpaceMouse output

$f_r$: real env frequency

$p_s$: delta position sensitivity [0.0, 1.0], the less it is, the smoother remoter will be but slower.

$pd=pVel{max}/f_r$: desired position speed

$deltap=opt{sm}[:3]\times p_d\times p_s$: position action

$r_s$: delta rotation sensitivity [0.0, 1.0], the less it is, the smoother remoter will be but slower.

$rd=rVel{max}/f_r$: desired rotation speed

$deltar=opt{sm}[3:]\times r_d\times r_s$: rotation action