Please cite this as: Yen, C.Y., Chang, M.H.W., Chan, C.H. (2019) A Computational Analysis of the Dynamics of R Style Based on 94 Million Lines of Code from All CRAN Packages in the Past 20 Years. Paper presented at the useR! 2019 conference, Toulouse, France. doi:10.31235/
Preprint of this paper is available here.
subdirectory. [^1]rsync -rtlzv --delete ./cran
It takes 220G of disk space.
)In data
target_meta.RDS - packages, one (randomly-selected) submission per year.
pkgs_functions_with_syntax_feature.RDS - package information with syntatic features.
0prep01_extract_metadata.R (requires: Cloned CRAN mirror): extract meta data from tarballs. Generate target_meta.RDS and final_meta.RDS in data
cat code.sql | sqlite3 code.db : generate the schema of the SQLITE database - code.db. Generate code.db.
0prep02_dump.R (requires: Cloned CRAN mirror, target_meta.RDS): dump the source code, NAMESPACEs and DESCRIPTIONs into code.db. Generate code.db with data. It is very large (> 20G).
0prep03_extract_desc.R (requires: Cloned CRAN mirror, target_meta.RDS): add the text description also into target_meta.RDS as a column desc. Generate target_meta.RDS (overwrite) in data
1functionnames01_extract_function_name.R (requires: code.db): extract names of all exported function from each package. Generate multiple fx_data_yr...RDS files in data
1functionnames02_function_name_analysis.R (requires: fx_data_yr...RDS files): analyse the style in function names by year. Generate fx_style_by_year.RDS in data
1functionnames03_function_name_vis.R (requires: fx_style_by_year.RDS): visualize the time trends of styles in function names. Generate images(END)
2syntax01_extract_features.R (requires: target_meta.RDS, code.db): extract syntactic features. This procedure is both CPU and I/O intensive. On a normal i5 computer, it would take a month to run. Generate syntax_feature_yr...RDS files in data
2syntax02_gen_pkgs_functions_with_syntax_feature.R (requires: syntax_feature_yr...RDS files): combine all .RDS files into one. Generate pkgs_functions_with_syntax_feature.RDS.
2syntax03_vis.R (requires: pkgs_functions_with_syntax_feature.RDS): Visualize the time trends of syntactic features. Generate images. (END)
3linelength01_extraction.R (requires: code.db): generate comment_dist.RDS in data
3linelength02_animation.R (requires: comment_dist.RDS): generate shiny app.
4communities01_extract_cran_dependency.R (requires: code.db): extract dependencies of packages from CRAN. Generate cran_dependency.RDS (END)
4communities02_build_cran_graph.R (requires: cran_dependency.RDS): build CRAN dependency graph based on two fields, say "Import" and "Suggests." Generate cran_graph.RDS(END)
4communities03_detect_cran_community_by_walktrap.R (requires: cran_graph.RDS): detect CRAN communities by using walktrap algorithm. Generate comm_walktrap.RDS and comm_size.RDS. In addition, it examines the robustness of identified communities with respect to the choice of random seeds(END)
4communities04_community_based_features_correction.R (requires: pkgs_functions_with_syntax_feature.RDS, comm_walktrap.RDS, comm_size.RDS, comm_name.csv): assign community labels to each package, such that package-level summary of syntax features and naming features can be usage for analyzing the style variations among communites. Only apply to the largest 20 communites. Generate comm_largest_feature.RDS (END)
4communities05_vis_community_poster_images.R (requires: comm_largest_feature.RDS, cran_graph.RDS, comm_walktrap.RDS, comm_size.RDS, naming_convention.csv): visualize community-related analysis (END)
Build the docker image using the provided Dockerfile
cd docker/ ;
docker build -t rstudio/rstyle -f Dockerfile . ;
cd ../ ;
docker run -v $(pwd):/home/$USER/rstyle -e USER=$USER -e PASSWORD=xxxx -e USERID=$UID -p 8787:8787 rstudio/rstyle
If one is developing under Window Subsystem for Linux (WSL), you may encounter a problem that docker cannot see the folder you mounted in the container. In that case, please try to soft link /mnt/c/
to the root directory as illustrated in this blog post.
And then clone this repository anywhere inside /c/Users/{YOUR_USERNAME}. And then specify the PATH_RSTYLE
environment variable as shown below, such that you can launch the dashboard successfully.
We manually assigned a name to the largest identified communities by their 3 most important package members. We priorized importance of packages within a community by the algorithm PageRank.
comm_id | comm_name | top |
6 | base | methods, stats, MASS |
4 | Rstudio | testthat, knitr, rmarkdown |
28 | Rcpp | Rcpp, tinytest, pinp |
3 | Statistical Analysis | survival, Formula, sandwich |
9 | Machine Learning | nnet, rpart, randomForest |
16 | Geography 1 | sp, rgdal, maptools |
15 | GNU | gsl, expint, mnormt |
25 | Bioconductor: Graph | graph, Rgraphviz, bnlearn |
49 | Text Analysis | tm, SnowballC, NLP |
42 | GUI | tcltk, tkrplot, tcltk2 |
13 | Infrastructure 1 | rsp, listenv, globals |
17 | Numerical Optimization | polynom, magic, numbers |
40 | Bioconductor: Genomics | Biostrings, IRanges, S4Vectors |
77 | RUnit | RUnit, ADGofTest, fAsianOptions |
24 | Survival Analysis | kinship2, CompQuadForm, coxme |
2 | Sparse Matrix | slam, ROI, registry |
44 | Infrastructure 2 | RGtk2, gWidgetstcltk, gWidgetsRGtk2 |
75 | Bioinformatics | limma, affy, marray |
37 | IO | RJSONIO, Rook, base64 |
45 | rJava | rJava, xlsxjars, openNLP |
[^1]: CRAN mirror HOWTO/FAQ