chainx-org / chainx-dapp-wallet-v2
Apache License 2.0
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polkadotjs license maintainability

Chainx Dapp Wallet

A Portal into the Chainx and Substrate networks. Provides a view and interaction layer from a browser.

This can be accessed as a hosted application via


The repo is split into a number of packages, each representing an application. These are -


Contributions are welcome!

To start off, this repo (along with others in the @chainx family) uses yarn workspaces to organize the code. As such, after cloning dependencies should be installed via yarn, not via npm, the latter will result in broken dependencies.

To get started -

  1. Clone the repo locally, via git clone <optional local path>
  2. Ensure that you have a recent LTS version of Node.js, for development purposes Node >=10.13.0 is recommended.
  3. Ensure that you have a recent version of Yarn, for development purposes Yarn >=1.10.1 is required.
  4. Install the dependencies by running yarn install
  5. Ready! Now you can launch the UI (assuming you have a local Chainx Node running), via yarn start
  6. Access the UI via http://localhost:3000

Desktop App

The main advantage of using Desktop App is that it by default stores encrypted accounts on the filesystem instead of browser's local storage. Local storage is susceptible to attacks using XSS (Cross-Site Scripting). There's no such risk when with files stored on disk.

The desktop app uses the Electron framework. It provides the same features as web app, the only difference being different account storage.

To get started -

yarn start:electron