chairemobilite / evolution

Online survey platform for travel survey
MIT License
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admin: Add support for multiple validation phases #791

Open tahini opened 4 days ago

tahini commented 4 days ago

Currently, an interview has a is_valid and is_completed and is_validated flags which has specific meanings (which ultimately can have the meaning that the survey administrators given them... or none at all)

It would be nice to be able to specific the possible flags (and their meanings) for each survey.

Use case:

In some surveys, we had some interviews with errors (for whatever reason is not important here) and we did a validation of all interviews with a home geography in a specific region. As we fixed the interviews, the is_valid flag was set to specify that it was handled and allow to filter remaining interviews on the absence of that flag.

At the end of the survey, the final validation phase takes place, but some interviews already have a validation flag, which "pollutes" the current validations.

Possible solutions: