chairemobilite / evolution

MIT License
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Evolution is a survey platform for travel survey. Its originality resides in the support of travel diaries, where participants in the survey can enter all the trips they did in a day for example. But it allows to develop flexible questionnaires, in multiple arbitrary sections, with complex conditions, validations, labels and choices, which can all be scripted to use any of the previous answers.

Surveys that use this platform are complete applications. They are scripted: questions and sections are defined in javascript or typescript.

Typically, a survey application is split in 2 separate websites, one where participants can fill the questionnaire directly and another one for administering, monitoring, validating surveys, as well as for technical support to participants and phone interviewers.

This repo contains an example travel survey, in the example/demo_survey folder. It is possible to copy-paste this directory and start editing the survey.

Install dependencies for Linux

The following instructions explain how to install dependencies for Linux.

For Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04 users, use:

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgis lua5.3 liblua5.3-dev postgresql-postgis postgresql-postgis-scripts

Install dependencies for Windows

The following instructions explain how to install dependencies for Windows.

Prepare and compile the application

The following instructions explain how to prepare and compile the application

Run the example application

The example application contains 2 distinct application. For local development, we will run the participant app on port 8080 (the default port) and the administrative app on port 8082. Each application needs to build the client app and run the server.

To build and run the participant application:

The participant application can be reached at http://localhost:8080.

To build and run the administrative application:

Update the application

When updating the application, or switching to a branch that may have changes to the transition submodule, run the following instructions to ensure the application is properly up to date

# Pull the branch
git checkout main
git pull origin main

# Update the applicaiton
yarn reset-submodules
yarn compile
yarn migrate

Run UI tests for the application

Evolution supports running UI tests with playwright. Surveys need to implement their own tests, but evolution-frontend provider a library in the tests/ui-testing folder.

See the examples/demo_survey/tests folder for examples UI testing

To run the tests for the demo_survey application, follow the following steps:

Copy the configuration file in the repository to test and change the build to your needs

cp packages/evolution-frontend/playwright-example.config.ts survey/playwright.config.ts

Install the dependencies and browsers to use for playwright by running yarn test:ui:install-dependencies. This will install all playwright browsers and dependencies. It is possible to fine-tune the browsers to install. See the playwright documentation for more information (

For example, to run the tests on firefox, use

npx playwright install --with-deps firefox

You need to start the application as you would to run it:

yarn build:dev or yarn build:prod
yarn start

Run the UI tests

yarn test:survey

Notes: In the test:survey script to define in the project, add the LOCALE_DIR environment variable, to register the translations for the current project. For example, in the demo_survey project, the script is defined as follows:

"test:survey": "LOCALE_DIR=$(pwd)/locales npx playwright test"

Each test defined needs to get its own context for the test execution. The following gives and example of how to start a UI test for an application:

import { test } from '@playwright/test';
import * as testHelpers from 'evolution-frontend/tests/ui-testing/testHelpers';
import * as surveyTestHelpers from 'evolution-frontend/tests/ui-testing/surveyTestHelpers';
import { SurveyObjectDetector } from 'evolution-frontend/tests/ui-testing/SurveyObjectDetectors';

const context = {
    page: null as any,
    objectDetector: new SurveyObjectDetector(),
    title: '',
    widgetTestCounters: {}

// Configure the tests to run in serial mode (one after the other)
test.describe.configure({ mode: 'serial' });

// Initialize the test page and add it to the context
test.beforeAll(async ({ browser }) => { = await testHelpers.initializeTestPage(browser, context.objectDetector);

// Open the page and login
surveyTestHelpers.startAndLoginAnonymously({ context, title: 'Déplacements de longue distance au Québec', hasUser: false });

// TODO Add tests here

// Logout from the survey at the end
surveyTestHelpers.logout({ context });