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Cap the amount of players per team #1

Closed superjova closed 7 years ago

superjova commented 7 years ago

Some teams have over 10+ members on their roster.

This makes it hard to:

As previously talked about in the rules committee, we should limit the amount of users per team to 8.

Couple of details to be discussed before added:

Durgulach commented 7 years ago

As a Team8 fan on a CL team with 8 players I approve...

In all honesty though if we do the 5/5 no sub rule 8 is as low as some of the older aged teams can reliably feild a team each week.

denkstrum-hots commented 7 years ago

I like limiting it to 7 and let off team subs occur. Keeps it to a core amount of people that you need to scout. 8 seems high to me, but reasonable. I think you'll need to allow off team subs or you may have even more cancelled matches in the future.

denkstrum-hots commented 7 years ago

As for slimming down teams, limit active slots to those 8 prior to start of season with the roster lock you had in another topic.

johnafogarty4 commented 7 years ago

I'm actually good with either 7 or 8. The real determining factor will be how subs work. Also it would be helpful to have a non-player position to assign people to. I may only be managing a team this season, and not playing, it would be helpful if i was not counted against the roster, but also not allowed to play. Not sure if that makes sense or not outside of my head.

Durgulach commented 7 years ago

I know 7 would be tough for my guys, we have 4 members with rough work schedules and wives and such that will knock multiple members out on any given week.

For consistency I would rather just have no-sub and an 8 man roster. If we did 7 man roster and 4/5 it will is basically having an 8 man roster anyway but retains the scouting issues mentioned in OP or makes them worse

Akkuma commented 7 years ago

I myself am partial to 7 roster max, 1 sub available at any given time, because shit happens and many teams only need 5 on their roster the majority of the time and an odd random sub every now and then.

Durgulach commented 7 years ago

7 members + an unrostered sub is basically a functional roster of 8. It allows the bigger teams to have 8 members with no restriction and allows the 5ers to have some flexability. All comes down to whether we go 4/5 roster players per game or 5/5

Akkuma commented 7 years ago

No they aren't functionally the same. If you enforce 8 roster members and you lock rosters at a certain point that means you cannot sub someone in. If we do 4/5 then technically you are always allowed a sub at which point I'd say 7. If you force everyone to be on the roster and lock rosters that is problematic to me as you have to have dedicated subs rather than a random sub.

Durgulach commented 7 years ago

Right, I was unclear. I did not mean to say 7 ina 4/5 scheme and 8 in a 5/5 sceme are equvalent. All I meant was that in a 4/5 scheme you would be able to functionally have an 8 person team with a single person dedicated to filling the sub role. (Basically for those of us with 8 man rosters due to at least 2-3 people being called away on life 7 in a 4/5 would still be flexible enough)

superjova commented 7 years ago

Capped to 8 players. Rules updated.