chairleague / hots-rules

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Official Rules

As of March 2018

Table of Contents

League Play






League Play

Weekly Matches

Pick the available night of the week for your team to compete. Whether you throw down on Thursday or take up arms on Tuesday, active teams will play a best of 3 series against opponents each week on the chosen night. Matches will start at the set time for the league you are in. Matches that are not marked completed on the website within 48 hours will have both teams marked as no shows. Make sure to post your results each week! A team can disable match scheduling at any time by visiting your team's leagues page. Scheduling can be reenabled whenever your team is ready to play again.

Competitive Map Pool

Chair League seeks to give you a fully immersive competitive experience. To add to that only the most competitive maps are available for play, sorry Garden of Terror...

The league establishes a map pool for each season. The map pool for the Spring 2018 season of Tuesday/Thursday Night Heroes includes the following maps:

View Map Pool Here

Study up, hone your strats, and be ready to throw down on these battlefields on your preferred night of Chair League action.


Matches require four of five players from your team to check in before each round can start. Teams may sub in one non-rostered player, so long as that player is eligible to play in that league (see Player on Multiple Teams below).

Substitutions can occur in between rounds. A player who plays in any round is not required to play in any other rounds in the series.

Substitutions may not happen during or after draft. Once drafting has begun, the roster is locked.

Player on Multiple Teams

Players can join and play on multiple teams in different divisions.

A player who is playing in a league cannot join or sub for another team in the same league.


Selecting a Division

Each league consists of 2 divisions. Choose a division not based on indivudual skill, but by skill as a team. Currently, there is no way to change divisions mid-season.

Teams with 2 or more players that have placed Master or higher in any Hero or Team League season are asked to play in the competitive division.

Season Rating

During season play, team's will acquire a seasonal rating. This can be viewed in the standing of the division. The rating represents how a team is doing relative to other teams. Higher ratings show higher performance. Chair League uses this rating to match your team against opponents of similar skill level within your division. Rating gained or loss depends on the outcome of the weekly match and the magnitude is related to the rating difference between the two teams.



Playoffs are separated by divisions. When a team joins a playoff, they will be joined by teams in the same division.


Tournament seeds are determined upon team rating. Tie-breakers are broken by a tie breaker game, when time is available. When time is not available it will be chosen by who signed up first for the playoffs.


Teams who play in the competitive division are eligible for prizes.


Home Team

The Home team is responsible for hosting the match and inviting everyone. If the match is being casted, that caster should be added to the lobby as an observer and set to "referee" status.

Map Selection

As each match is Best of 3 format, one team will have to select the initial battlefield for the two teams to clash. The Home team, as designated by the schedule, will be responsible for selecting the first map of the match. The Away team will thus have the first pick in the draft. This then alternates each game, as such:

The map selected must be from the map pool for the season. Each map may only be played once per series.


Use the in-game draft tool, set to tournament draft mode, for drafting.

Tardy Policy

Teams who do not show up can be marked as no-shows after 10 minutes. If you are in contact with their team, give them some sportsmanlike leeway. At the same time, everyone's time should be respected and not wasted. You can report no shows on the match page within your team's management view. Report no shows as fair as possible.


After the match finishes, either team can return to the match page and record the winner.

If the match is recorded incorrectly, please contact to get it undone.



Teams can play in multiple leagues at the same time without creating a new squad. Your team can play in both the Tuesday and Thursday night leagues if you find yourself that hungry for some Chair League.

Roster Cap

Teams have an 8 player roster cap. This adds a responsibility of keeping an active roster to managing your team. Roster caps also make competition easier as you now can see who you may be playing when matched each week with an opponent.

Expected Behavior

Chair League is a recreational league and expects its players to behave accordingly. At the end of the day, we want to create a fun and positive environment to play in. Sportsmanship is expected both ingame and out. Teams that repeatedly act disrespectful will be disbanded.


Players found to be cheating will be reviewed by the Chair League staff on a case by case basis. Cheating can be reported by sending an email to

Players must add their tags to their accounts in order to join a team. Tags are displayed publicly on the Chair League site. Add your tag to your account here.



Generally, only heroes with game breaking bugs are banned. Heroes are available upon release. View Hero Status here.