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Wait time/pause time #12

Open denkstrum-hots opened 7 years ago

denkstrum-hots commented 7 years ago

some games have been excessively delayed between teams being late, then frequent and sometimes lengthy pauses during the game.

Suggest 5 minutes of total pause time per game in a series in addition to a 5 minutes base bank. This would include any wait time at the beginning of a match. Casters would be charged with notifying and tracking these. So a three game series would have 20 minutes of total pause time a team could use at any time. A 5 game playoff series would be 30 minutes. This would be used for breaks between matches as requested by the teams as well.

HGC allows 15 (10?) minute pause time per game, no time for being late for matches, they are penalized immediately for that.

The question is if we want to cap the maximum amount of pause time used at once.

johnafogarty4 commented 7 years ago

I think we have to cap the maximum amount of time used at once. I get things happen, but there are 11-13 people invested in the game. You can't just make everyone sit around indefinitely because something came up.

I also like the idea of 5 minutes per game, plus a 5 minute bank. Does that include the late time, or do we keep the 10 minute grace period currently offered?

denkstrum-hots commented 7 years ago

I suggest the wait time eats your pause time, one bank for all pause/wait uses.

superjova commented 7 years ago

If you have X minutes of pause times and you are Y minutes late, you will only be able to use X - Y pause minutes?

Are we keeping a late / no show time limit?

Durgulach commented 7 years ago

How much of an issue is this really (honest question)? Is it worth giving casters more things to do or cpts in noncast games?

superjova commented 7 years ago

One thing I want to make sure is that we are not giving casters more things to do. Originally they were 'officials' and that is why they have their own portals. But casters should not be officials or have more responsibility than casting the game.

onemegamanfan commented 7 years ago

I think 10min late/no show time limit and then 5-10 per match is fair.

Akash122 commented 7 years ago

Is this suggesting an automatic disqualification for reaching the limit, or does the team just get the option? Imo making it automatic would be terrible. The last thing I'd want is to be forced into taking a disqualification win. I care much more about getting to play the match than winning it, teams should have the option to wait as long as they want.