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Battleground Selection #15

Open denkstrum-hots opened 7 years ago

denkstrum-hots commented 7 years ago

Consistent with HGC, initial battleground selection will be locked in 10 minutes prior to scheduled start of match.

If map selection is not locked in, map selection defaults to cursed hollow.

Every match after the first has up to 5 minutes to choose next map, removes pause time from them for that time period.

superjova commented 7 years ago

Why cursed hallow?

Durgulach commented 7 years ago

I see no issue with that rule. Not sure I like the pause time as that just leads to more things to track, but I will address that on the pause time thread.

Akash122 commented 7 years ago

Is this really necessary? Many teams forget to select a battleground prior to the match time (I know I have). Does knowing what the battleground will be 10 minutes before as opposed to learning in the lobby really make a difference? If the non-picking team wants to take a few minutes to discuss strategy or something that's fine; I'd rather see the match delayed a few minutes than going to a map nobody actually picked.