chairleague / hots-rules

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Behavior #16

Open denkstrum-hots opened 7 years ago

denkstrum-hots commented 7 years ago

Teams, players, casters, logos and names Observed behavior by people in scrims, matches, casting has been at times less than stellar. A caster finds him self casting a game with curse words, phallic or sexual names not uncommonly which can drive off some viewers and players. Ive been personally harassed outside the game by people from chair league wanting to settle perceived grudges or just plain taunting. Ive observed language and insults in lobbies that have made people quit and refused to interact with that team in the future. There have been rants, insults and accusations thrown around the forums and honestly make up about 50% of the forum activity.

I think cribbing the behavior guidelines from HGC rules is a good start for a behavior policy. Whatever is adopted, notification to the teams will be needed as well. The current situation is not conducive to a healthy and growing scene.

superjova commented 7 years ago

Is this a feature request for a team / player feedback system? Would having a poor feedback score eliminate players or teams from continued play in Chair League?

Durgulach commented 7 years ago

I would want to distinguish between harrassment and a speech code. The game already has a language filter (doesnt it?)

superjova commented 7 years ago

Can someone write a rule for proper behavior and create a pull request?