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Schedule #18

Closed denkstrum-hots closed 7 years ago

denkstrum-hots commented 7 years ago

Need to input what the new schedule is, I missed that part of the meeting, I don't know what the Saturday decision is, but that will need to be incorporated into the rules.

superjova commented 7 years ago

You will be signing up for a day. If there are 4 leagues Tues | Thurs | Fri | Sat. You choose however many your team or teams want to play in. Then you are only scheduled on the days you picked.

Durgulach commented 7 years ago

When did we switch from MWF to TThFS?

This due to HGCo and Hype overlap?

johnafogarty4 commented 7 years ago

Well now i'm wondering the same, I thought it was MWF. Is TThFS the new schedule?

superjova commented 7 years ago

It was a hypothetical scenario. We could do 7 days a week even. Was just laying out an example

superjova commented 7 years ago

Tues / Thurs is current schedule. No rules will be added for the leagues as the website has the leagues listed with days