chairleague / hots-rules

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Host w/ Map Pick #28

Open superjova opened 7 years ago

superjova commented 7 years ago

Home team currently hosts all 3 matches. What do you think about the away team hosting it when they pick the map? Benefits here is that they at least get host advantage once, and they create the lobby with the map already picked. Efficiency!

kevinymfan commented 7 years ago

We already did this for my team's games last night. I think it makes sense, but at the same time, isn't really important enough to warrant making a rule out of it.

johnafogarty4 commented 7 years ago

when I cast, I usually end up hosting the match, to make it easier on both teams. IF we want to change that, and make a rule that works, but we should get it done soon, and then notify everyone, casters included.

Hammwich commented 7 years ago

The host only impacts server selection and would come into play if a team were east coast playing a team on the west coast. I don't think this rule would bring much to the table. Home team hosting, or caster hosting makes more sense in my mind.