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Checking in between rounds #31

Open kevinymfan opened 7 years ago

kevinymfan commented 7 years ago

As per feedback from week 1, many teams found it awkward that players must check in before every round, even though they already checked in for the first round. Some players/teams forgot to check in entirely, making result reporting a bit of a hassle since people had to track down opponents and have them retroactively check in before results could be reported.

Suggestion: Since subs in between rounds are a thing, what if by default everyone who is checked in the first round is automatically checked into the next round, and players can manually check out/check in for substitutes?

For example: only 4 players from team X can make it to game 1, so they all check in and play with a nonrostered sub. Their 5th player shows up in time for game 2, so just that player checks in to round 2 - everyone else is already checked in. The game goes to 3 games, and team X wants to sub out one player (A) for another (B) to run a specific comp, so (just) player A checks out and player B checks in.

This could minimize the hassle of checking in between rounds while still maintaining the record of who's playing, only requiring extra actions between rounds for subs and map picks.

On a side note, if replay parsing is ever added, it could make check-ins obsolete.

Durgulach commented 7 years ago

I think the easier solution here is just player education.

My team does what you are suggesting by simply.checking in for all three rounds when they check in for game 1 and then adjust accordingly mid match.

Also (and I kmow this was opposed based on experience in past seasons but I will bring it back up because I dont remember the rationale) optimal solution in my mind is let Captains run the match roster.