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Match Format, Scoring and Standings #6

Open Durgulach opened 7 years ago

Durgulach commented 7 years ago

There was some discussion on the Bo3 format on the Discord, thought it should be documented here.

Proposed language:


Regular Season matches will be a Best of Three series of maps. A win on each map within the Match is worth one point in the division standings. If a team wins both Maps 1 and 2, Map 3 will not award a point and does not need to be played.

Match Procedure:

A map may only be selected once per match. The Away Team, as assigned by the ChairLeague schedule, will select the first map of the series and the Home team will have forst hero ban. The Home team will select the Second map and the Away team will have first hero ban on that map. If necessary, the third map will follow the rules of the first map with the Away team selcting the map and the Home team with first hero ban.

If the match is cast by a Chair League Caster, the Caster shall host the match and record the results on the Chair League website.

If the match is not cast by a Chair League Caster, the results of the match shall be recorded by the Home Team and verified for accuracy by the Away Team.


In each Division of each Night, Teams will be ranked according to their Team Score. The Team Score is the total number of Team Points that Team has earned through its matches. At the end of the Regular Season, Standings ties will be decided through a Playoff Qualifier week. For tiebreaker information see "Playoffs""

Durgulach commented 7 years ago

Forgot to add "Maps, including banning and drafting, will be played as a Custom Game in Tournament Draft Mode"

superjova commented 7 years ago

Currently scoring system is +3 for win. Do you think there is benefit for each win to reward points?

This change would make wins +2 and possibly +2 and +1 for both teams.

Hammwich commented 7 years ago

There could be a bonus point awarded for going 2-0, being that they are best of 3s. So a full 3 points for going 2-0, and 1 point per Victory otherwise.

Durgulach commented 7 years ago

In my view, losing 1-2 is a better performance than losing 0-2. The point per map system in a Bo3 gives the best representation of performance in the standings. If we are worried about 2-1 being worth the same as 2-0 then we could give a bonus point for a sweep resulting in the following:

0-2 = 0 pts 1-2 = 1 pts 2-1 = 2 pts 2-0 = 3 pts

Durgulach commented 7 years ago

Edit: misread hammwichs comment and then said the exact same thing... rip me

Hammwich commented 7 years ago

At least we are on the same page, and agree that a staggered point system is a good idea!

Zedalve commented 7 years ago

Bumping this issue. I like the Hammwich suggestion. It will help with tie breaking and seeding at the end of the season. Multiple teams may go 4-4 for playoffs (especially with this scheduling system) but those who took more games from their losses will have more points.

Hammwich commented 7 years ago

If this is not implemented this season I really think it should be in the next. Right now, assuming you can adjust point totals there are 1 or teams that would stand to gain a point based on 2-1 outcomes.

Zedalve commented 7 years ago

Granted that also means there are just as many teams that stand to lose a point that you would need to convince.

Durgulach commented 7 years ago

Are there though? All the matches I watched were 2-0s which would be left unnaffected by the change.

Hammwich commented 7 years ago

2 matches ended with a 2-1 score on Tuesday, (1) Division 2 and (1) Division 3.


Durgulach commented 7 years ago

Either way, so long as it applies to everyone i dont think people will be too combative right?

Zedalve commented 7 years ago

I will initiate a pull request with the change and see what the rules committee thinks

Hammwich commented 7 years ago

Whatever we do we need to implement it quick.

Zedalve commented 7 years ago

pull request sent, lets see what happens

kevinymfan commented 7 years ago

A couple thoughts:

a) Given that playoff seeding is based on rating and not points (as per the official), it doesn't matter that much that we implement this change (although I still think it's a very good change that should be implemented)

b) I think a discussion should be had about how playoff seeding works. Technically speaking, seeding based on points makes the most sense. However, this harshly penalizes teams that sign up after the season begins. Thus, seeding by rating works because it rewards teams who win more while not punishing teams who join late. However, it can also lead to instances where teams with better season records are seeded lower than other teams with worse records because of a) strength of opponents, which teams have no control over, and b) rating carried over from previous seasons.

Hammwich commented 7 years ago

Keep in mind it's the points you earn that raise or lower your rating so it can and should be used as a tie breaker rather than record.

That's it primary purpose and is why I think we need to move forward with this change. Last season playoff priority in the event of a tie was given to the team who had signed up first, this essentially does the same thing but is more transparent.

A team that is 4-0 would lose the tie breaker to a team that is 4-4 assuming at least 1 game was won in any of their 4 losses because of that victory point they earned. If all four losses were 0-2 and some wins were 2-1 there is a chance the team that is 4-0 would be seeded higher or make the playoffs over the team that is 4-0. Its for that reason that I believe it doesn't punish either team.

I still think it's unfortunate we allow teams to signup 4 weeks in and and participate in playoffs... but that topic is for another thread.