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Substitution Players #8

Closed denkstrum-hots closed 7 years ago

denkstrum-hots commented 7 years ago

It seemed separate issue from roster lock so I made this issue topic.

All teams have had issues with scheduled players not being able to make games due to work and life commitments,so subs outside the rosters seem like a likely need.

I suggest that subs follow all division restriction guidelines, such as nommaster/gm in div 3 and below.
A player may not sub for another team in the same night and division that they are already playing in. This prevents rigging game accusations and shenanigans.

Only 1 sub allowed per series. Sub can be replaced by a regular rostered player mid series and Vica versa.

I don't think you should limit the amount of different teams a player could sub for, and you May even want to start a 'sub' designation that players could sign up/pay for to make it easier for some teams to find a sub and designate people that are available to sub.

johnafogarty4 commented 7 years ago

I like the idea of a 'sub' designation.

superjova commented 7 years ago

How would this change affect the 5/5 locked in players for the night if that rule comes into play?

Durgulach commented 7 years ago

We need to make a distinction here. What do we mean by "sub"? Does a sub mean a non-rostered player? If I have 6 rostered members available can I swap a player from game 1 out for another rostered player for game 2 of a series etc.?

Durgulach commented 7 years ago

Rostered players should be able to come off the bench at will between games. I know when my team scrims we usually use 1-2 subs between games 1 and 2 and then 1-2 for game 3 but it is all the same 6-7 players. X plays games 1 and 3 y plays game 2 etc

superjova commented 7 years ago

Closing. Rules updated with 4/5 and substitution rules