chaithanyashaji / EventON

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EventON App

EventON is a college-focused app designed to streamline the organization of events like workshops, competitions, and talk sessions. It features QR code-generated tickets for easy check-ins, payment monitoring , and estimation of activity points for participants. The app fully digitizes the event management process, making it more efficient, user-friendly, and paperless .

1. General Section



Splash Screen | Login | Choose User

Community Sign Up | User Sign Up | Forgot Password

2. Students Section


User Homepage | Register Event | Ticket

User Attended Events | Profile | Chatbot

Search | Community Page | Payment Verification

Event page after registration

3. Community Section


Community Homepage | My Events | Event Details

Edit Event | Delete Event | Payment Approval

Registrants | Add Event

Community Profile

4. Admin Section


Admin Homepage | Admin Approvals

Tech Stack

Client: Flutter, Dart

Server: Firebase (Firestore, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Functions, Firebase Hosting)
