chaithuchowdhary / SEProject_Group_16

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Build and deploy IndiaKart app to Azure Web App

Automated Testing Framework (Karma and Jasmine Frameworks)

Setting up Angular App and ASP.NET Backend in a Single Repository

  1. Clone the Repository: using git clone cmd git clone <repo url>

  2. Navigate to the Repository: cd IndiaKart_Backend

  3. Set Up the ASP.NET Backend:

    • You can either install .NET SDK or Visual Studio with necessary dependencies. (Visul Studio is recommended)
    • Navigate to the backend directory.
    • Restore dependencies and build the backend.
      cd backend
      dotnet restore
      dotnet build
  4. Configure the Backend:

    • Modify configuration files (e.g., appsettings.json) as needed.
  5. Run the Backend:

  6. Set Up the Angular App:

    • Ensure Node.js and npm are installed.
    • Navigate to the frontend directory. cd indiakart_homepage
    • run the below cmd in terminal to setup and run in your local system
      npm install
      npm run