chambsbond / Project-Pawledger

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Project Pawledger

This is the Project Pawledger team's submission to Block Magic: A Chainlink Hackathon under the category of "Gaming & Consumer Apps." The team consists of five (5) members:

About the Team

We are a group of software engineers from both the public and private sectors of industry. We have all had many opportunities to experiment with cutting edge technologies, but we have not had any opportunites for blockchain tech. It seems as though blockchain has taken the world by storm recently and we found this hackathon as good as any opportunity to dive into getting hands on experience with it.


Introducing Pawledger: revolutionizing the way we care for our furry friends. Imagine a world where every pet's medical history is securely stored and easily accessible, regardless of where they are. With Pawledger, powered by Chainlink and Alchemy, we're breaking down the barriers of blockchain complexity to ensure seamless integration for animal shelters, stray animal organizations, and pet owners alike.

Our platform offers a suite of features designed to empower users. From immutable and decentralized end-to-end encryption of medical records to streamlined processes for adoption and pet transfers, Pawledger is at the forefront of innovation in animal welfare. Gone are the days of misplaced paperwork or fragmented records—Pawledger centralizes everything, making pet care more efficient and transparent than ever before.

But we don't stop there. With Pawledger, registering animals via their chip number becomes effortless, ensuring that every pet's information is always up-to-date and easily accessible to those who need it most. Join us in shaping a future where every pet receives the care and attention they deserve. Pawledger: because every pet's story deserves to be heard.

What it does

Project Pawledger is a chainlink application that seeks to tokenize animals for secure, robust tracking of pets and strays. The track features of an animal are it's ownership and medical histories. This gives organizations and owners a resource to reliable maintenance and distribution of animals and pets through calls to Smart Contracts. This git repository contains a web-based user interface for navigating the creation and management of animal tokens.

How we built it

From an administrative level, we had a development cycle where we reconviend weekly to discuss progress and our goals for the week ahead. We primarily leveraged a Kanban board where we managed our issues and roadmap. These were sufficient for tracking the state of our application over the course of one month.

From a development level, the requirements section below details the software dependencies we used to build the application. We built a frontend to interact with our deployed smart contracts.

Challenges we ran into

It was not immediately apparent the level of overhead required to deploy contracts on chain. This took a substantial amount of our development time before we got it to work and could go forward. We especially found it challenging to work with because our application depends on limiting features based on organization specific permissions. Organization verification was another challenge we wrestled with a lot.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Our biggest accomplishment is simply that we made an application that used chainlink function! Having little knowledge of blockchain ahead of time made us unsure of how deep a dive this hackathon would require, but we met the goal we set out for :)

One fun feature of our project is that we developed and end-to-end encryption schema to allow users to manager their medical history securely.

What we learned

It's exciting to see how blockchain is still a living tech that is constantly in flux and upgrading. None of us had experience with the tech before starting this Hackathon, so this has been a ground-up learning experience. Additionally, at a higher level we learned a lot about standing up our own project and scoping out the level of effort required to accomplish each component in our month long timeframe.

What's next for Pawledger

User Guide

Below are instructions to deploy and use the Project Pawledger application and smart contracts.

A demonstration video can be found here

Requirements for Local Development


What does a user do when going to the website (also doubles as script for demo)

  1. Navigate to the UI launch page
  2. Input email to create an organization
  3. Use the dashboard !! ( >.< )

Architechtural Diagrams

Medical Payload Event


  1. User scheudles an appointment through online form
  2. All public addresses of organization members are pulled
  3. Once a medical payload is sent out the medical payload event emits the medical payload on the pet contract
  4. Pawledger API listener takes the medical payload and inserts it into the DB



  1. User requests their medical history through online form
  2. User provides private key in this request for decryption
  3. Pawledger API pulls medical history from database
  4. Pawledger API returns encrypted medical history
  5. Application locally decrpyts medical history with private key



  1. Both owner and prospect agree to transfer on pet contract
  2. Chainlink logic trigger notifies of the transfer
  3. All orgs are pulled from token history
  4. All current data owner members for each org are pulled from history
  5. Notifications are sent and stored
  6. Org members are updated in database