chandra-mta / MTA

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This repository contains the sets of scripts related to Monitoring and Trending Analysis.

Each set of scripts has a Makefile and before rebuilding the directories, update the following variables (not always contain all or you may find extras) at the first part of Makefile.

======= Each set of scripts has a Makefile and before rebuilding the directories, update the following variables (not always contain all or you may find extras) at the first part of Makefile.

TASK:    task name;  the script will be kept there
ROOT:    main script directory
WEB:     main web directory
WDIR:    the directory where the HTML pages will be kept
NHTML:   the HTML address
NBIN:    extra scripts are kept here
NBDATA:  special shared data are kept here
NPYTHON: python path

After updating Makefile, simply run "make" command. It will create directories:

<ROOT>/<TASK>/Exc       (some may not have this)

The data directory is usually empty, and you may need to copy data from elsewhere if the scripts need past data.

=============== List of Scripts

ACA --- magnitude and positional error trends for fiducial lights and guide Abs_pointing --- celestial location monitoring routine ACE_GOES_data --- import ACE and GOES data from NOAA and extracts data ACIS_bad_pix --- ACIS Bad Pixel Detection and ACIS Bias Computation ACIS_Count_Rate --- extracts ACIS count rates for each CCD and creates trend plots ACIS Corner Pixel-- plots of average corner pixel centroid slope and mean for ACIS observations ACIS_CTI --- extract cti data, estimate trends, and plots the trends ACIS_ft --- create ACSI focal plane temerature trend plots ACIS_gain --- extract and compute acis gain, and plot the trend ACIS_hist --- extract acis histram mode information and plots the trends ACIS_memo --- contains scripts used to create ACIS memos ACIS Rejected Event --- plots of stat1 quantities, showing on-board rejected events ACIS_sci_run --- retrieve ACIS science run data from MIT web site, check event rate, error rate,and drop rate and plot trends ACIS_SIB --- compute ACIS SIB Cron_check --- reads cron job entries and check whether the cron jobs are running as it is supposed to be Disk_space --- monitoring disk space usage Dump --- extract OTG and CCDM related data from dump data (DumpEM) EdE_Trends --- create an E/dE trend page plots, table, and the page itself Envelope_trending --- create MSID Envelope Trending Ephen_RDB --- update of geomagnetic related data Ftp_clean --- remove unwanted files from /stage/xmmops_ftp Gratings Observation --- gratings trends created from the analysis results done by HETG Analysis Kit Gyro_drift --- create trend plots of stability of the spacecraft around the grating movement HRC_gain --- create Ar Lac PHA Distribution Trend HRC_SIB --- create HRC SIB trending plot HRC_temperature --- extract HRC temperature information from dataseeker database, and plot them HRMA Focus --- HRMA focus related plots IRU --- Extract IRU gyro bias data from archive and create trend plots Limit_table --- estimates yellow and red limits of all msids from the past data. Max_exposure --- extract ACIS and HRC exposure dose data and create statistics, plots, images, and html pages Monthly_Report --- creates a monthly report MSID_limit --- updates op_limits.db MTA Derive --- update trending data in the directory /data/mta4/Deriv MTA_limit_trends --- extract msid data and plot their trend Orbital --- extract orbital element related data from archived data and create rdb files OTG --- extract OTG and CCDM related data from dump data (DumpEM) Rejected_events --- Create plots of stat1 quantities, showing on-board rejected events SIM Movement --- creation of SIM movement plots in /data/mta_www/mta_sim/ SIM Temperature --- im translation/temperature data and creates trend plots

Rejcted_events --- Create plots of stat1 quantities, showing on-board rejected events Python_scripts --- python functions used by other python scripts Sci_run_interrupt --- generate plots of ACE, Ephin, and GOES radiation plots around science run interruptions Script_descriptions --- create html pages showing the descriptions of MTA tasks SIM_extract --- update ..../sim_data.out SIM_twist --- update sim twist and fid light trending Sol_panel --- create solar panel/spacecraft electric power a and fine sensor temperature evolution along the time State_trends --- extracts and plots SIM and other state conditions Trending_Script --- extract needed information from /data/mta/www/mp_reports/ and update mta database Weekly_report --- create weekly report