changcheng967 / OGS-Active-Game-Rank-Updater

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OGS Active Game Rank Updater

This script monitors the active games of a specific player on OGS (Online Go Server) and updates a configuration file based on the opponent's rank.



  1. Set Player ID:

    • Replace player_id in the main() function with the OGS player ID you want to monitor.
  2. Set Configuration File Path:

    • Update the config_file_path variable in the main() function with the path to the configuration file you want to modify.

How It Works

  1. Fetch Active Games:

    • The script queries the OGS API to get the active games for the specified player.
  2. Extract Opponent Information:

    • For each active game, it determines the opponent and retrieves their rating.
  3. Update Configuration File:

    • The script updates a specific line in the configuration file to reflect the opponent's rank based on their rating.
  4. Continuous Monitoring:

    • The script continuously checks for active games every 2 seconds and updates the configuration file accordingly.


  1. Run the Script:

    • Execute the script using Python:

      python path/to/
  2. Script Output:

    • The script prints the updated rank label and the opponent's name to the console.

Error Handling


This script is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


For questions or feedback, please reach out to