change-metrics / monocle

Monocle helps teams and individual to better organize daily duties and to detect anomalies in the way changes are produced and reviewed.
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Updating Ident #1113

Closed JdumaresqSE closed 4 months ago

JdumaresqSE commented 4 months ago


I when I try to update the ident, I get this error:

docker compose run --rm --no-deps api monocle janitor update-idents --elastic elastic:9200 --config /etc/monocle/config.yaml
2024-02-12 20:56:28 INFO    Monocle.Backend.Janitor:49: Janitor will process changes and event {"workspace":"monocle","changes":469,"events":4007}
2024-02-12 20:56:28 INFO    Monocle.Backend.Janitor:51: Updated changes {"count":0}
monocle: esSearch: Original error was: Error in $.hits.hits[1901]['_source']: parsing Monocle.Backend.Janitor.EChangeEventAuthors(EChangeEventAuthors) failed, key "id" not found Error parse failure was: Error in $: key "status" not found, req: {"from":0,"query":{"terms":{"type":["ChangeCreatedEvent","ChangeMergedEvent","ChangeReviewedEvent","ChangeCommentedEvent, resp: {"_scroll_id":"FGluY2x1ZGVfY29udGV4dF91dWlkDXF1ZXJ5QW5kRmV0Y2gBFkRQNnVVMmg2UXhDd211SmVINWVua3cAAAAAAAAAXBY2b2huc0RqYlFUZ, tb: [("throwError",SrcLoc {srcLocPackage = "monocle-1.11.0-2ShLfwfFjyo1H0paLD2SMi", srcLocModule = "Monocle.Effects", srcLocFile = "src/Monocle/Effects.hs", srcLocStartLine = 403, srcLocStartCol = 15, srcLocEndLine = 403, srcLocEndCol = 27}),("runBHIOSafe",SrcLoc {srcLocPackage = "monocle-1.11.0-2ShLfwfFjyo1H0paLD2SMi", srcLocModule = "Monocle.Effects", srcLocFile = "src/Monocle/Effects.hs", srcLocStartLine = 437, srcLocStartCol = 3, srcLocEndLine = 437, srcLocEndCol = 14})]
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at src/Relude/Debug.hs:289:11 in relude-
  error, called at src/Monocle/Effects.hs:420:7 in monocle-1.11.0-2ShLfwfFjyo1H0paLD2SMi:Monocle.Effects

Here the config

  - name: monocle
      - ident: "Jonathan Dumaresq"
          - "github.private.url/myusername"

I'm currently using the docker-compose file from master

image: "${COMPOSE_MONOCLE_VERSION:-1.11.0}"


TristanCacqueray commented 4 months ago

I think this was fixed in , could you please try using the master image?

@morucci perhaps we should do a patch release?

JdumaresqSE commented 4 months ago

I confirm that using :latest image is working back.
