chaotictoejam / VANETProject

Solutions for VANET communication with OMNET++
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Help with RBVT #5

Closed Cyberian87 closed 9 years ago

Cyberian87 commented 9 years ago

Hello, I doing this research on VANET routing protocols specifically RBVT. I come across your code which I must say is very diverse. I need help with RBVT, right now I'm not really sure how to run the RBVT. I am new to OMNET++. I apologize for for such a silly question. Can you tell me how can I run a scenario with RBVT. I have done the following steps. 1) Download vanetproject 2) Download inetmanet from your repository 3) Unzipped both in respective folders and then imported in OMNET++. 4) I'm also not sure about the referencing because when I put inetmanet in reference in VANETsim I get so many errors of same type such as 'ARP': no such module type. Can you also give me a hint for that.

Thanks my emai:

chaotictoejam commented 9 years ago

Sorry most of this code is offline now as it relates to my dissertation work