char-siuu-bao / OOOCanadaResearchNetwork

Supporting Canadian students in advancing Open Access, Open Education and Open Data at their institutions
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OOO Canada Research Network

The OOO Canada network supports students, early career researchers and academic professionals in their efforts to promote open, transparent approaches to knowledge sharing. We focus specifically on Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data.


This github repository is a method for decentralizing leadership of the network, rotate responsibilities, and keep each other (and the public) updated of activities at different campuses. It will also be a place to discuss issues and plan meetings!

How does it work?

Visit our projects page to see different aspects of our project management. Currently this is divided into (1) scheduling our monthly community calls and (2)campus-specific updates. We can also add additional columns in the future for long term agendas or campaigns (columns are just clumped to-do lists and updates lumped by category or theme).

Each project note links to a Github issue, which acts as a discussion thread and to-do list all in one. For example, this issue is on planning September's community call, while this issue is on providing updates on OA advocacy at McMaster) University. You can visit the full list of issues here.

Who can contribute to the repo?

Anyone with a Github account. Please make a Github account! We encourage anyone interested in advancing Open on their Canadian campus to participate in discussion and setting goals on this repo. Everyone is welcome.