chargebyte /

This script is a replacement of the eagle ulp that creates a bom. I2SE does not provide support for this tool but pull requests and bug reports for released versions are very welcome.
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This script is a replacement of the eagle ulp that creates a bom.

It was initially written to fix a problem that eagle had with grouping parts with the same values but different attributes. The UPL did not make two BOM lines out of this scenario. This problem does not exist any more in eagle!

A side effect of using the ULP is that you do not need to have eagle on your machine that generates the releases.

The script is tested with python 2.7, 3.3

Build Status


This scripts requires cairocffi. On Debian distributions, there exists no pre-packaged version of this python module, so you have to install the python development environment and use pip to install this dependency:


$ apt-get install python-dev libffi-dev python-pip
$ pip install cairocffi


$ pip install cffi
$ pip install cairocffi

cairo / cairo-2 / cairo-gobject-2 dependencies can be solved by installing GTK+ from followed by a restart of your machine.

You can use as follows:

execute the script: "python"

this will give you a usage help as this: usage: mandatory arguments -c / --csv= csv where you want to store the BOM, may also be used for PDF output exclusive mandatory arguments (i.e. choose one of the following) -b / --brd= eagle board file that you want to use as input for the BOM -s / --sch= eagle schematic file that you want to use as input for the BOM

optional arguments
-h / --help      print this help
-v       enable verbose output
-t / --type=         specify the type (valid types are value, part, sticker) of the output, default:part
--variant=       specify which variant should be used, default is to use the active variant as saved in the board file
--separator=         specify the separator that should be used as delimiter between each column in the output csv file, use 'TAB'to specify tabulator as separator
--notestpads         excludes all parts that have a attriute 'TP_SIGNAL_NAME' with a value
--eagleversion       print the version of eagle that was used to generate the board or schematic (only needs arguments for board or schematic, not for csv

special attributes for EAGLE parts that are interpreted by this script:
    EXCLUDEFROMBOM      parts with this attribute set to a value other than blank will be excluded from the bom
    DO_NOT_PLACE        usually should have the value 'yes' for instructing the manufacturer to leave this part unplaced
    PROVIDED_BY     specify where the manufacturer gets the parts from
    additionally DNP markings from eagle variants are converted to use the DO_NOT_PLACE format