charlesbel / Microsoft-Rewards-Farmer

A simple bot that uses selenium to farm Microsoft Rewards written in Python
MIT License
980 stars 260 forks source link
bot farm-microsoft-rewards microsoft-rewards python python-script selenium

Made with Python Built by Developers Uses Git Build with Love

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       by Charles Bel (@charlesbel)          version 3.0

Maintained MIT

:wave: Welcome to the future of automation

A simple bot that uses selenium to farm Microsoft Rewards written in Python

- Use it at your own risk, Microsoft may ban your account (and I would not be responsible for it)


  1. Install requirements with the following command :

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  2. Make sure you have Chrome installed

  3. Install ChromeDriver:

    You no longer need to do this step since selenium >=4.10.0 include a webdriver manager

    To update your selenium version, run this command : pip install selenium --upgrade

  4. (Windows Only) Make sure Visual C++ redistributable DLLs are installed

    If they're not, install the current "vc_redist.exe" from this link and reboot your computer :

  5. Edit the accounts.json.sample with your accounts credentials and rename it by removing .sample at the end. The "proxy" field is not mandatory, you can ommit it if you don't want to use proxy (don't keep it as an empty string, remove it completely).

    • If you want to add more than one account, the syntax is the following:
       "username": "Your Email 1",
       "password": "Your Password 1",
       "proxy": "http://user:pass@host1:port"
       "username": "Your Email 2",
       "password": "Your Password 2",
       "proxy": "http://user:pass@host2:port"
  6. Run the script:


    Or if you want to keep it updated (it will check on each run if a new version is available, if so, will download and run it), use :


Launch arguments


Future Features