charlielake / MarksheetGenerator

A Simple Python Script that quickly generates custom Marksheets
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A script that can quicky generate Marksheets using CSV inputs


This script was created due to the repetative task of generating Marksheets for the classes/labs I teach.
I wanted a quicker way to pull information and then generate marksheets from information that was accessible from other sources.

The solution I came up with was this, using CSVs it is possible to describe the Grading scheme (columns) and specify the Students, divided into Sections.


Using the script

You must create files the describe the marksheets you wish to generate.

There are three main files you need to have:

Each file has a slightly different format, but they are all CSVs.

Install the needed libraries by running pip install -r requirements.txt.

After this, you can edit the flags and constants in the python script.

Finally, run the python script doing something like py


File formats

Students File

Files follow this format, where each line corresponds to a student

{First Name},{Last Name},{(optional)CS_ID}, {Section_ID}
Bradd,Pitt, a0a0a, ClassA
Tom,Cruise, b0b0b, ClassB
Angelina,Jolie,c0c0c, ClassB

Grading File

Files follow this format, where each line corresponds to a grading rubric

{Grading_ID}, {Column_1}, {Column_2}, {Column_3}, {Column_4}, {Column_5}, {Column_6}, ...
Marksheet 1, Todo 1, Todo 2, etc...
Marksheet 2, Todo 1, Todo 2, Todo 3, Final

Sections File

Files follow this format, where each line corresponds to a section and it's corresponding information


As of right now (to be fixed!), all columns need to have something. If you don't want anything, enter in a whitespace in the cells of that column.


No warranty is provided when using this software, though I don't see what can go wrong... This software is provided "AS IS", and I am not responsible for any damages or losses caused.


If you notice that seemingly random special characters appear in your marksheets, open all your data files in a text editor like Notepad++ and change encoding to UTF-8 rather than UTF-8 BOM. The "BOM" leads to it having special characters denoting the beginning/end of the file.