charliewilco / dotfiles

🛠 Configuration for vim / neovim, git, tmux, zsh, etc.
The Unlicense
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First things first, install Xcode and open it or try and run xcode-select --install. Also if you're not me, please do not install dotfiles verbatim from this repo.

Inital Setup & Config

Setting up a new machine should be easy. Run:

curl -L | bash -s -- all


This installs Homebrew & Cask and executes a bunch of brew install commands to go and setup iTerm2, Vundle, tpm a collection of awesome utility apps, MongoDB, Node.js (this is my preferred method of installing Node it normally prevents you from having to run sudo all the time).

The config script sets up Vim and copies all my preferences for Vim / NeoVim, tmux, OhMyZSH, Hammerspoon, and puts them in their proper places. Plus exports Oceanic Next color palettes from Github and drops the ones for iTerm2 in ~/Downloads/.


There's a cheatsheet for very common things I do with Vim and command line utilities (ie ag, hub, and more to come).


You need to create a file for SSH ~/.ssh/config with the following contents:

Host *
    UseKeychain yes

It solves a lot of isses with macOS Sierra and SSH that didn't exist in previous versions.

tmux colors + Italics

There are two files here with the .terminfo extension, do the following with them:

tic -x xterm-256color-italic.terminfo
tic -x tmux-256color.terminfo
if has('termguicolors')
    " Don't need this in xterm-256color, but do need it inside tmux.
    " (See `:h xterm-true-color`.)
    if &term =~# 'tmux-256color'
        let &t_8f="\e[38;2;%ld;%ld;%ldm"
        let &t_8b="\e[48;2;%ld;%ld;%ldm"
set -g default-terminal 'tmux-256color'
set -as terminal-overrides ',xterm*:Tc:sitm=\E[3m'

Other Dotfiles

This is the list of dotfiles I've looked through and learned something cool from:


First off, you're awesome for wanting to contribute. Second, please take a second to go over a few things to make this process simpler for everyone. Third, you're awesome.

Pull Requests


The Unlicense