charmbracelet / vhs-action

Keep your GIFs up to date with VHS + GitHub actions 📽️
MIT License
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actions gifs github terminal vhs

VHS Action

Keep your GIFs up to date with VHS + GitHub actions 📽️


Welcome to VHS!

The above GIF is automatically generated on CI with GitHub actions and VHS.

Getting Started

To get started with GitHub actions you can read the documentation.

To add vhs-action to your project you will need to:

  1. Create .github/workflows/vhs.yml in your project directory.
  2. Copy one of the examples/ into your vhs.yml.
  3. Create your tape files with the instructions to perform (See VHS instructions on .tape files)
  4. Trigger your action by creating a pull request or making a commit depending on your vhs.yml file.

That's all! Anytime the action is triggered, GitHub actions and VHS will regenerate the GIF from your .tape file on CI. This is useful for keeping demos updated and performing integration testing to catch errors in your PRs.


Name Description Default
path Path of the VHS .tape file "" (install VHS without running it)
version Version of VHS to use "latest"
token GitHub token to use "${{ github.token }}"
install-fonts Whether to install extra fonts "false"

The action provides JetBrains Mono by default. Extra fonts (and their nerd font variations) can be installed by setting install-fonts to true.

Extra fonts - Bitstream Vera Sans Mono - DejaVu - Fira Code - Hack - IBM Plex Mono - Inconsolata - Liberation - Roboto Mono - Source Code Pro - Ubuntu Mono



We’d love to hear your thoughts on this project. Feel free to drop us a note!



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