chasemcintyre105 / cmRepository

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David the troll was here My favorite music is metal. Paul was here. binabina James McLeod was here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Assignment 2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Chase Mcintyre changes 1)David = new color on pick up 2)James = checkered design to floor 3)Paul = made destoryable walls indestructable 4/5)Bina = added a ramp feature to the roll-a-ball && changed the speed of the player

David Swepson changes 1&2) changed values of food/soda pick up for 2d roguelike 3) lowered time between player movements for 2d roguelike 4) make walls more dangerous for 2d roguelike 5) lowered sound values for 2d roguelike (it was really loud)

Paul Banyai changes to 2d roguelike 1) Changed game over message to "you died." 2) Changed Player Food Points in GameManager Prefab from 100 to 200 3) Set platform check for touchOrigin variable in Player script to avoid warning message 4) Upgraded Player script to detect Unity version and use SceneManager instead of LoadLevel fumction 5) Upgraded GameManager script to detect Unity version and use SceneManager instead of OnLevelWasLoaded fumction 6) Fixed invisible soda & starting level for Unity 5.4+ The game should now only have at most a single YAML error inherited from the original assets and little to no warnings. I have successfully downgraded back to 5.3.6 and have uploaded a working 2017.3.0 version.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Assignment 3 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Paul Banyai added simple Part 1 & Part 2 for Unity version 5.3.6f1 Part_1-5.3.6f1 Part_2-5.3.6f1

assignment3_BH Bina Jeong for Unity version 2017.3.0f3 1) implemented a new setup of a first-person character and camera 2) implement a new setup of a third-person character and camera 3) zoom in and out by using scrollwheel (third-person camera) 4) the cube(third-person character) rotate along mouse cursor

Character_Controller James McLeod made a Part 3 for Unity version 2017.3.0f3 5) Placed player on steep terrain

Chase Mcntyre Lab 3 for Unity version 2017.3.0f3 6Implemented in script 'PlayerControl' 6Implemented in script 'CapsuleController' 6Implemented Jump feature in 'CapsuleController' 6Implemented Fly feature in 'PlayerControl'

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Assignment 4 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

David Swepson added terrain and trees to the first person camera implementation Under the directory David_Assignment3changes

Chase Mcintyre created terrain using a height map from google, modified by GIMP, and imported into Unity. The terrain itself has been heavily modified from the original via shaping, texturing, coloring, adding in scenery objects, and adding trees. The file is in the directory titled 'ChaseMcintyreTerrainProject'

James Mcleod createed a 3D terrain large enough to be explored by a player, used the terrain shaping tools to ensure that the terrain can be comfortably navigated by the player, and colored the terrain.

Bina Jeong changed the terrain for the roll-a-ball, water in a large hole, and trees.

Paul Banyai renamed Bina's folder and restored from partial deletion and replacement a slightly modified version of James's terrain I had been able to down grade to 5.5. I had also added some water, a beach transition, a few puddles, and some palm trees.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Assignment 5 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Chase Mcintyre imported a skeleton asset, made the flow of animations, allowed the skeleton to 'hit' the player with a trigger collider, and allowed the player to 'hit' the skeleton with a trigger collider.

Bina Jeong added dialogue to skeleton "I found you!"

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Assignment 6 & 7 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

James Mcleod created 5 chess pieces in blender and imported them into Unity

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Assignment 8 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Bina Jeong did Part 1 and a partially working "pause" for Part 2 in Part 1's different scene. Part 3 was done in Assignment 5 and is added as another scene to load. Chase Mcintyre finished Part 2's pause functionality in the Part 3 scene and added an item for Part 4.