cheadrian / mergebot

AliExpress Merge Boss bot with OpenCV, Python, ADB control running on PC and Termux
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AliExpress Merge Boss Bot: OpenCV, ADB


This repository contains a Python script for an automation bot designed to interact with the AliExpress Merge Boss game. You can run this on PC or using Termux on Android.

Old version can be found on this GitHub Gist.

This is the second version of the bot that uses ADB access directly.

Check this article to see demo gifs and images.



Additionally adjust:

Display in real-time on the PC, the annotated image and debugging information, like energy level.

Setup on PC

You need to have ADB, Tesseract and Python installed and added to your path (commands in Terminal or CMD that should work: python, adb, tesseract, pip) before you can run this script, then connect the phone to the PC using USB cable and activate Android Debugging from developers options on your Android phone.

On Terminal / CMD: adb devices And check if you have on device listed here.

Now you should install the necessary pip packages: pip install opencv-python numpy pytesseract pure-python-adb

Setup on Termux

First make sure you have installed the Termux, Termux:API and Termux:GUI APKs from git.

To setup on Termux, copy and paste the code below:

yes | pkg update -y
pkg install -y git opencv-python tesseract python android-tools termux-api
pip install numpy pytesseract pure-python-adb termuxgui
git clone
cd ~/mergebot

ADB pairing on Termux

You should connect to ADB even on Termux, and to do this you can use ADB over WI-FI.

Here's an video example, but don't "adb shell" at end.

Navigate to Settings -> Developer options. Enable USB debugging and enter in "Wireless debugging".

Put that menu in split-screen or PIP with Termux and press the "Pair device with pairing code".

In Termux write (replace IP , PORT, CODE with ones from menu):

adb pair IP:PORT

### ADB connection

Now you are paired, you should connect to the ADB.

You will have to do this every time you reopen Termux or reconnect to Wi-Fi. 

In the same menu, you have "IP address & Port". Use these to connect:

adb connect IP:PORT
adb devices


You should adjust configuration based on your device and game status. To do this, on PC you can adjust parameters inside

On Termux you can run the configuration script.

Take two screenshots in the game, one with the items to merge, and one on the energy task menu and run the configuration script:

cd ~/mergebot

Adjust the parameters to match the buttons and grid. Should look like in these images:

Grid, ROI, energy calibration Energy farm calibration

After that, press save and check the running section.


Running is simple.

You should have device connected through ADB first! Check with:

adb devices

There should be one device with "online" status in the list.

After you configured the bot parameters, you can simply:

If you are on Termux, first:

cd ~/mergebot

The script is waiting 15 seconds for you to open the AliExpress Merge Boss game.

It will automatically close when there's no more energy left to farm.