cheeplusplus / fa-export-cli

FA export CLI application
MIT License
6 stars 2 forks source link

FA Exporter CLI

This is a CLI application to dump an FA account's gallery and account data while the site is still alive. It uses fa.js to talk to FA. It's all local, nothing leaves your machine (except to FA, obv)

What's Dumped

User guide

Friendly installation

Grab the latest release for your platform from Releases.

You may experience issues on Windows and Mac due to code-signing (or a lack thereof).


Getting Your Cookie

For most browsers, you can follow these steps to get your FA cookie to place in settings.json

  1. Open your browser
  2. Press F12 to open the browser dev tools
  3. Select the "Network" tab
  4. Log into or open FA
  5. Select the bottom-most item in the Network Tab
  6. On the right-side panel that opens select "Headers"
  7. Under the heading of "Request Headers" find "Cookie" and copy that entire string not including "Cookie: "
  8. Paste this into settings.json where indicated

If the bottom-most item in the Network list doesn't have "Cookie", look specifically for an entry where "File" is "/"

WARNING: This cookie represents your login to FA. Don't share it with anyone. If someone gets it they can possibly log in as you!


Requires node 18 or higher.