cheesestraws / aux-minivnc

A kernel VNC server for A/UX, Apple's old UNIX.
GNU General Public License v3.0
19 stars 0 forks source link

a screenshot of aux-minivnc

What is this?

This is a VNC server for A/UX, Apple's old UNIX. It allows graphical remote control of the computer across login sessions, as if you were sitting down at the console.

I'm a user: how do I install this?

First: I have only tested this under A/UX 3.1. It will probably work under 3.0. It will almost certainly not work under anything older.

There are two steps to installing aux-minivnc. The first step is installing the kernel driver. The second part is installing the VNC daemon. All you need to do this is a checkout of this git repository on the A/UX machine in question. Binaries are in the repository. You can also download a TAR archive and follow the same instructions.

Installing the driver

# cd <checkout-dir>/kernel
# ./
# newconfig fb

If newconfig works, check that /dev/fb0 exists, then reboot.

# ls /dev/fb0
crw-------   1 bin      bin       62,  0 Nov  6 19:17 /dev/fb0
# reboot

Installing the VNC daemon

# cd <checkout-dir>/app
# ./

You can then run vncd to start the VNC server directly. If you want vncd to run at startup, add a line to inittab to start it off:

# cat inittab.line >> /etc/inittab

Please make very sure to use >> in this line, if you use > you will knacker your inittab and your A/UX installation will no longer work.

I'm a user: how do I connect to this?

Use your favourite VNC viewer to connect to port 5900. This has been most extensively tested with RealVNC.

Note that RealVNC's default modifier mappings are rather wonky and will lead to weird results. Use the "expert" tab of the connection settings to change the Left and RightCmdKey settings to Super_L and Super_R, and the Left and RightOptKey settings to Alt_L and Alt_R, respectively. Otherwise option isn't mapped to alt, which is odd, because that's what it ought to be.

I'm a user or developer: what doesn't work?

I'm a developer: what tools do I need to hack on this?

If you're an end-user stop reading this now: you do not need development tools installed to use aux-minivnc. Otherwise:

I'm a developer: how is the code arranged?

I'm a developer: what's some interesting code to poke?


This code is mostly © Rob Mitchelmore, 2022. It started off as a fork of, and some portions remain of, @marciot's mac-minivnc, so portions are © Marcio Teixeira, 2022. I'd also like to acknowledge SolraBizna for the testc driver, linked above, which started me thinking that this might actually be possible.