cheezy / page-object

Gem to implement PageObject pattern in watir-webdriver and selenium-webdriver
MIT License
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A simple gem that assists in creating flexible page objects for testing browser based applications. The goal is to facilitate creating abstraction layers in your tests to decouple the tests from the item they are testing and to provide a simple interface to the elements on a page. It works with both watir and selenium-webdriver.


The project wiki is the first place to go to learn about how to use page-object.

The rdocs for this project can be found at

To see the changes from release to release please look at the ChangeLog

To read about the motivation for this gem please read this blog entry

There is a book that describes in detail how to use this gem and others to create a complete view of testing web and other types of applications. The book is named Cucumber & Cheese


If you need help using the page-object gem please ask your questions on Stack Overflow. Please be sure to use the page-object-gem tag. If you wish to report an issue or request a new feature use the github issue tracking page.

Basic Usage

Defining your page object

You define a new page object by including the PageObject module:

class LoginPage
  include PageObject

When you include this module numerous methods are added to your class that allow you to easily define your page. For the login page you might add the following:

class LoginPage
  include PageObject

  text_field(:username, :id => 'username')
  text_field(:password, :id => 'password')
  button(:login, :id => 'login')

Calling the _textfield and button methods adds several methods to our page object that allow us to interact with the items on the page. To login using this page we could simply write the following code:

login_page.username = 'cheezy'
login_page.password = 'secret'

Another approach might be to create higher level methods on our page object that hide the implementation details even further. Our page object might look like this:

class LoginPage
  include PageObject

  text_field(:username, :id => 'username')
  text_field(:password, :id => 'password')
  button(:login, :id => 'login')

  def login_with(username, password)
    self.username = username
    self.password = password

and your usage of the page would become:

login_page.login_with 'cheezy', 'secret'

Creating your page object

page-object supports both watir and selenium-webdriver. The one used will be determined by which driver you pass into the constructor of your page object. The page object can be created like this:

browser = :firefox
my_page_object =


browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
my_page_object =

Known Issues




Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Jeffrey S. Morgan. See LICENSE for details.