chef-cft / national-parks-demo

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Enterprise Automation Stack - National Parks - Java Tomcat Application

This is an example Java Tomcat application packaged by Habitat on VMs hardened and patched by Chef Infra and Audited by Inspec using the "Effortless" pattern. This example app has existed for some time, and another example can be found here. The differences with this example versus previous examples are the following:


In order run this repo, you must first install Habitat. You can find setup docs on the Habitat Website.

Demo Tracks

  1. Building national parks and running locally in the studio (start here)
  2. Continued local testing with Habitat + Docker Compose
  3. Habitat + Terraform - Running natively on VMs
  4. Habitat via containers on Google Kubernetes Engine
  5. Habitat via containers on Azure Kubernetes Service

Terraform Note

This repository contains Terraform code that is now written to Terraform 0.12.x specs. It is HIGHLY recommended to use tfswitch if you are not already using it. This repo contains .tfswitchrc files that will automatically enable the right version of terraform, assuming you have that functionality set up in your terminal emulator. See the end of the tfswitch homepage under the heading Use .tfswitchrc file for more information.