redbull = { name = 'redbull', label = 'Redbull', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'redbull.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Redbull' },
chocolate = { name = 'chocolate', label = 'Chocolate', weight = 100, type = 'item', image = 'chocolate.png', unique = false, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'Chocolate' },
["chocolate"] = math.random(10, 15),
["redbull"] = math.random(10, 15),
line and do as followsRegisterNetEvent('consumables:client:Eat', function(itemName)
QBCore.Functions.Progressbar('eat_something', Lang:t('consumables.eat_progress'), 5000, false, true, {
disableMovement = false,
disableCarMovement = false,
disableMouse = false,
disableCombat = true
}, {
animDict = 'mp_player_inteat@burger',
anim = 'mp_player_int_eat_burger',
flags = 49
}, {
model = 'prop_cs_burger_01',
bone = 60309,
coords = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -0.02),
rotation = vec3(30, 0.0, 0.0),
}, {}, function() -- Done
if itemName == "chocolate" then
exports['ps-buffs']:AddBuff("gym-stamina", 300000)
TriggerEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', QBCore.Shared.Items[itemName], 'remove')
TriggerServerEvent('consumables:server:addHunger', QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerData().metadata.hunger + Config.Consumables.eat[itemName])
TriggerServerEvent('hud:server:RelieveStress', math.random(2, 4))
line and do as followsRegisterNetEvent('consumables:client:Drink', function(itemName)
QBCore.Functions.Progressbar('drink_something', Lang:t('consumables.drink_progress'), 5000, false, true, {
disableMovement = false,
disableCarMovement = false,
disableMouse = false,
disableCombat = true
}, {
animDict = 'mp_player_intdrink',
anim = 'loop_bottle',
flags = 49
}, {
model = 'vw_prop_casino_water_bottle_01a',
bone = 60309,
coords = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -0.05),
rotation = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -40),
}, {}, function() -- Done
if itemName == "redbull" then
exports['ps-buffs']:AddBuff("gym-strength", 300000)
TriggerEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', QBCore.Shared.Items[itemName], 'remove')
TriggerServerEvent('consumables:server:addThirst', QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerData().metadata.thirst + Config.Consumables.drink[itemName])
Add the following code to your ps-buffs/shared/config/Config.Buffs
['gym-stamina'] = {
iconColor = "#ffffff",
iconName = 'wind',
maxTime = 300000,
progressColor = "#FFD700",
type = 'buff'
['gym-strength'] = {
iconColor = "#ffffff",
iconName = 'dumbbell',
maxTime = 300000,
progressColor = "#FFD700",
type = 'buff'
### Skill System Setup
- Find the `qb-core/server/player` and open, find the `function QBCore.Player.CheckPlayerData(source, PlayerData)` line and do as follows
PlayerData.metadata["skill"] = PlayerData.metadata["skill"] ~= nil and PlayerData.metadata["skill"] or {
["Stamina"] = {["Current"] = 10.0, ["Stat"] = "MP0_STAMINA", ["RemoveAmount"] = 0},
["Strength"] = {["Current"] = 5.0, ["Stat"] = "MP0_STRENGTH", ["RemoveAmount"] = 0 },
["Lung Capacity"] = {["Current"] = 5.0, ["Stat"] = "MP0_LUNG_CAPACITY", ["RemoveAmount"] = 0 },
["Driving"] = {["Current"] = 0.0, ["Stat"] = "MP0_DRIVING_ABILITY", ["RemoveAmount"] = 0 },
["Wheelie"] = {["Current"] = 0.0, ["Stat"] = "MP0_WHEELIE_ABILITY", ["RemoveAmount"] = 0 }
### Item Images
- Download the script and open images folder, put it in the `qb-inventory or lj-inventory/html/images` directory.
### Script
- Download the script and put it in the `[qb]` directory.
- Add the following code to your server.cfg/resouces.cfg
ensure rz-gym ensure gamz-skillsystem ensure ps-buffs
## Image Showcase