cheind / pure-torch-ngp

A pure PyTorch based implementation of "Instant Neural Graphics Primitives with a Multiresolution Hash Encoding" with tweaks.
MIT License
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This repository provides an unofficial implementation of

"Instant Neural Graphics Primitives with a Multiresolution Hash Encoding" by Thomas Müller, Alex Evans, Christoph Schied, Alexander Keller @ ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2022)

based on pure PyTorch functionality.

Currently, the tasks of learning Neural Radiance Fields and approximating Gigapixel images are available. The image below shows three novel viewpoints of a synthetic Lego model. The underlying NeRF model was trained on 100 images for about 2 mins using a NVIDIA GeForce 3090 Ti.

NeRF Features

Blender Synth Gen Features

This repository comes with Scripts to facilitate the generation of synthetic scenes through Blender. In particular the scripts perform the following tasks

Installation (using pinned dependencies)

Create a virtual env, clone the repo and install the dependencies

git clone

cd pure-torch-ngp
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

For pinned dependencies (Python 3.9) execute

pip install pip-tools
pip-sync requirements.txt dev-requirements.txt

Otherwise try

pip install -r


python -m torchngp.apps.nerf.train +data=suzanne

Hydra is used for configuration management. The configuration files are stored in cfgs/. A folder per run in created in outputs/ to store intermediate results and model weights.


To render images from a spherical coordinate trajectory execute

python -m torchngp.apps.nerf.render \
    ckpt=<path/to/model.pth> \
    poses.n_poses=60 \
    as_grid=False \
    rgba_transparent=False \

More results


Depth maps

Darker is closer, black marks invalid depth.

Performance considerations

This implementation is roughly an order of magnitude slower than the original implementation. That is, it takes a minute what takes the original implementation only a few seconds. Furthermore, the PSNR values achieved lag behind those of the original work (e.g LEGO 35dB vs. 28dB using this implementation).