docker-compose up -d fuseki
Ask a develop for the OIDC client secret and add it in a new .env.local
file in the middleware directory:
You can now launch the middleware in mode REPL:
cd middleware
yarn install
yarn run dev
Import the types (actor, administrator, contributor, traveler):
call importer.types.freshImport
call importer.status.freshImport
call importer.publication-status.freshImport
Create your first admin user
call users.createAdmin --email --username john
Create a .env.local
file in the /backoffice directory with the same Mapbox access token:
You can now launch the back office:
cd backoffice
yarn install
yarn start
Ask a develop for the Mapbox access token and add it in a new .env.local
file in the /frontoffice directory:
Note: if you want to use a remote middleware, you can also set the
env var
You can now launch the front office:
cd frontoffice
yarn install
yarn start