chenweiqi / apmod

apache module - mod_concatx: the ability to join multiple files together in a single request. This is a performance optimization. instead of requesting several seperate css or javascript files from your server, you can do it one request.
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mod_concatx: the ability to join multiple files together in a single request. This is a performance optimization. instead of requesting several seperate css or javascript files from your server, you can do it one request. It is based on mod_concat but makes ​​improvements.

  1. use the browser cache in effect
  2. avoid service code leak
  3. avoid content stick together
  4. support gzip


<script src=",js2.js,js3.js" ></script>

Apache Module Setting

modify config: "conf/httpd.conf"

LoadModule concatx_module modules/mod_concatx.dll

Advanced Settings:(Default)

<IfModule concatx_module>
ConcatxDisable Off
ConcatxCheckModified On
ConcatxSeparator On
ConcatxMaxSize 1024
ConcatxMaxCount 10
ConcatxFileType js,css

Setting Meaning

ConcatxDisable On/Off

Whether to disable mod_concatx

ConcatxCheckModified On/Off

Detects whether a file change, suggestion: On

ConcatxSeparator On/Off

Whether add newline when concat files, suggestion: On

ConcatxMaxSize 1024

Limit the max size of all files, suggest lower

ConcatxMaxCount 10

Limit the max number of all files, suggest lower

ConcatxFileType js,css

File types, if without limiting fill ","

Support gzip

This feature depend on mod_deflate, one of native apache modules so modify apache config "conf/httpd.conf", and add:

LoadModule deflate_module modules/