chetanniloor / De-pois-An-Attack-Agnostic-Defense-against-Data-Poisoning-Attacks

The most critical downside to AI is that its inefficiency is directly related to its data quality. Presently there are very few methods available that are used to protect the data from being attacked in the real time applications. But there is no commonplace in terms of defence technology that is being used for various types of attacks, in these situations the need for a generic method is highly needed for defending against those poisoning attacks, so we have come up with the defence technique that is called as De-Pois Defence method
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The most critical downside to AI is that its inefficiency is directly related to its data quality. Presently there are very few methods available that are used to protect the data from being attacked in the real time applications. But there is no commonplace in terms of defence technology that is being used for various types of attacks, in these situations the need for a generic method is highly needed for defending against those poisoning attacks, so we have come up with the defence technique that is called as De-Pois Defence method Python Packages Dependencies: Numpy 1.21.6 Pandas 1.3.5 Python 3.7.13 Pytorch 1.11.0+cu113 Keras 2.8.0 Scikit-learn 1.0.2 Scipy 1.4.1 art 5.6

Run the code and Applications Run the code on the Google Colab . So you do not need to install any type of application . Add all the .py files in the google drive along witH the MINST Dataset , then login Google Colab using the gmail account and access your saved files form the drive by providing the file path as an input . Firstly execute where in you have to change the accessed files path like MNIST dataset. Then go ahead and run the file similarly . Lastly execute the file to get the respective results. Also execute or to generate the Poisoined samples required to run the code.

Dataset: MNIST Datasbase - handwritten digits, has a training set of 60,000 examples, and a test set of 10,000 examples. It is a subset of a larger set available from NIST. The digits have been size-normalized and centered in a fixed-size image.

Train and test datasets are found in the following link


De-Pois Design Process involves three stages : This stage involves two steps cGAN based generator : Generates sufficient synthetic training data with a similar distribution of Clean Dataset. Authenticator : It uses the newly generated samples at each iteration as instances of missing latent variables which lie in the space of training data, thus it make sure that the generated data can be trusted and are different from each other : This script aims to imitate the target model and using the constructed mimic model we distinguish the poisoined samples from the clean ones : Where in we employ a detection boundary to set apart the poisoned samples from clean ones. The poison rate is set as 0.3 in our case. If the mimic model’s output is lower than our detection boundary, the sample is then regarded as being poisoned. Poisoned Data is generated by using either of the and


De-pois Research paper : Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks : MNIST Database : For generating poisoning data using GP-attack: