cheungpat / docker-mldonkey

mldonkey docker image
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mldonkey docker image

This repository host the Dockerfile for building mldonkey docker image.


To run mldonkey using this image:

$ docker run -i -t cheungpat/mldonkey

You may change the admin password by using the comand useradd admin <password, or you can specify MLDONKEY_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variable with a password:

$ docker run -i -t -e MLDONKEY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=supersecret cheungpat/mldonkey

mldonkey stores data inside /var/lib/mldonkey. You may want to mount the data directory to local filesystem. Doing this will persist the data when you re-create the docker container. It is also easier to get downloaded files this way.

$ docker run -i -t -v "`pwd`/data:/var/lib/mldonkey" cheungpat/mldonkey

Your data will be available under data/incoming directory where you run the docker run command.

Notes for Docker for Mac

mldonkey does not like the temp directory to reside in Mac filesystem. It is better to mount /var/lib/mldonkey/temp inside the Docker VM filesystem.

The included docker-compose.yml set up everything for you. To run in Docker for Mac,

$ docker-compose up